How these main issues have been addressed in the SPD
Many of the main issues raised have been positively incorporated into the final version of the SPD as indicated in the officer response above. Some of the issues raised during the consultation fell outside the remit of an SPD as they were challenging adopted National, City Plan and Shoreham Harbour Joint Area Action Plan policies or would have significantly reduced the effectiveness of the SPD. Therefore not all the recommendations were incorporated into the document.
The majority of comments and/or suggestions made, in particularly those by statutory consultees that provided additional information and/or further clarification, were incorporated into the SPD.
To clarify, the purpose of the document is to help to deliver a higher standard of sustainable development and place-making through new development. It will help to contribute to achieving a number of city council priorities and provide clarity for officers, developers, residents and stakeholders.
The SPD seeks to strike the right balance between providing appropriate levels of advice to help applicants submit a planning application without being prescriptive so as to fall outside the remit of a SPD or restrict innovation in the design of the development.