Overview of Phase 3 of Valley Gardens
Phase 3 will complete the Valley Gardens project with a transformed city centre public space.
The finished scheme will:
- enhance and renew the environment of a key visitor destination and arrival point in the city
- provide a space that is inclusive and accessible to everyone
- improve the travel experience for pedestrians and cyclists
- enhance the overall experience for public transport users
- simplify the road layout for motorists
- improve road safety
Latest news
St James’s St will need to be closed to traffic entering from Old Steine for 2 weeks from 10 February 2025. This is because of the width available for staff to work safely.
The rest of St James’s St will remain open to vehicles via side streets. Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.
Buses will temporarily use the seafront and Lower Rock Gardens. They will use Stop Z on the eastern side of the Old Steine. See the latest bus information.
View the construction schedule for Valley Gardens Phase 3.
Construction on the project started in November 2024. So far we have:
- resurfaced Castle Square
- removed a large traffic island south of the Old Steine
- begun laying new paving along the eastern side of the Old Steine
The contractor has set up a compound in Steine Gardens. Once the work is complete, the gardens will be re-landscaped with new grass and planting.
Project updates
The latest information on the construction schedule will be published here.
The contractor, FM Conway, will provide information to properties ahead of work starting in each section. This will include contact information and they will ensure that access is maintained for residents, customers, deliveries and servicing.
To request future project newsletters, or for any enquiries, send an email to transport.projects@brighton-hove.gov.uk.
View the detailed plan for Valley Gardens Phase 3.
The plan includes:
- a new junction to replace the existing Brighton Palace Pier roundabout, with crossing points for pedestrians and cyclists
- an enhanced environment and improved connectivity for pedestrians, due to widened footways and more direct crossings at the seafront
- a new off-road cycle lane connecting phases 1 and 2 with the seafront
- new bus stops, including new shelters and the latest electronic bus time information
- a new public space between the Royal Pavilion and the War Memorial
- the introduction of an extra taxi rank near the Brighton Palace Pier junction
- more accessible and obstruction-free pavements
- the planting of additional trees and landscaping
- sustainable outdoor event infrastructure, supporting Brighton’s event economy
- improved lighting around Old Steine
The council's former Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee approved the Valley Gardens Phase 3 plan in January 2022.
Funding for Valley Gardens Phase 3
We've secured £6 million Local Growth Fund (LGF) capital funding from the Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). In addition, the council has committed £1.84 million in match funding.
Capital borrowing of up to £5 million will also support the existing funding.
Our consultation
The development of proposals for Phase 3 has been subject to 3 public consultation exercises, and stakeholder design workshops, at key stages of the project.
See the full list of committee reports and minutes related to Valley Gardens Phase 3.