The Brighton & Hove City Council Enhanced Partnership Plan for buses is made in accordance with Section 138G (1) of the Transport Act 2000 by Brighton & Hove City Council.
Section 1 – EP Scheme content
This document fulfils the statutory requirements for an EP Scheme. In accordance with statutory requirements in section 138 of the Transport Act 2000, the EP Scheme document sets out:
- Section 2 - Scope of the EP Scheme and commencement date
- Section 3 - Obligations on the Council
- Section 4 - Obligations on Bus Operators
- Section 5 – Governance Arrangements
The EP Scheme can only be put in place if an associated EP Plan has been made. Therefore, this document should be considered alongside the associated EP Plan.
The EP Scheme has been jointly developed by Brighton & Hove City Council as Local Transport Authority and those bus operators that provide local bus services in the EP Scheme area. It sets out obligations and requirements on both the Local Transport Authority and operators of local services in order to achieve the intended improvements, with the aim of delivering the objectives of the associated EP Plan.
Section 2 - Scope of the EP Scheme and Commencement date
Description of geographical coverage
The EP Scheme can only be put in place if an associated EP Plan has been made. Therefore, this document should be considered alongside the associated EP Plan.
The EP Scheme will support the improvement of all local bus services operating within the Brighton & Hove City Council boundary.
Map of EP Plan and EP Scheme areas
The EP Plan and EP Scheme cover the same geographical area. This is the are within the boundary of the Brighton & Hove City Council unitary authority.
This is shown in Figure 2.1.
Figure 2.1: Map showing Brighton & Hove City Council area covered by the EP Plan and EP Scheme
Contains Ordnance Survey and National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right.
Commencement date
The EP Plan and EP Scheme are made on 17 January 2023. The EP Plan will have no end date. The EP Scheme will also have no end date.
Exempted services
The following services are exempt from the requirements of the EP Scheme:
- a service which has part or all of its route registered as a local service in the EP geographical area, but where it operates as a long-distance coach service
- a service which is registered as a local service under section 6 of the Transport Act 1985 but which would otherwise be an excursion or tour within the meaning in section 137(1) of that Act
Section 3 - Obligations on the council
The council will use the BSIP funding allocated by the Department for Transport to deliver the facilities and measures outlined in this EP Scheme, as well as enhancements to supported bus services described in Annex C.
The council will fund concessionary fares for older and disabled people as part of the English National Concessionary Travel Scheme (ENCTS). The level of reimbursement is to be agreed each year in line with any DfT guidance given at the time.
The council will continue to provide annual funding towards supported bus services, support for the Real Time Public Transport Information (RTPI) system, bus stop updrages and bus stop maintenance
The council will continue to fund a minimum of three Full Time Equivalent Staff members to work on public transport matters. This does not include extra staff to support the delivery of facilities and measures outlined in this EP Scheme.
The arrangements outlined in paragraphs 3.1. to 3.4 may be varied in future using the EP Scheme Bespoke Variation arrangements at Section 5.
(Provided under s.138D(1) of the Transport Act 2000)
Bus Priority
The council will provide and maintain the list of bus lanes and bus gates described in Annex A.
The council completed an update to the city’s Bus Network in July 2022. This is a document identifying potential improvements to the highway network to reduce delay for buses. The council will monitor progress against the Bus Network Review annually thereafter.
The council will develop and consult on additional bus priority facilities for the locations outlined in Annex A.2. Bus operators will be invited to participate in the design development of these facilities. As part of the consultation process, the Council will seek to ensure the views of all are heard, including bus passengers.
Subject to the outcome of the desgn development and consultation process, the council will then implement these facilities in accordance with the timescales outlined in Annex A.2. Timescales are targets only and subject to change as a result of the design development process and further site investigation.
Any programme for subsequent installations or changes will replace Annex A using the Enhanced Partnership Scheme Bespoke Variation arrangements at Section 5.
Bus Stops
The council commits to continuing to expand the number of accessible bus stop kerbs in each financial year. This may also include extending existing accessible kerbs to accommodate double-door buses. The number of locations and timescale are subject to the work required of each stop and associated costs. The number and timescale is subject to confirmation of funding.
The council commits to funding at least two ‘superhub’ bus shelters at interchange locations in the city centre. Superhub shelters will provide additional features to a standard shelter which may include Wi-Fi and charging points.
The council will undertake a review of bus stop locations on at least two major bus corridors which may include Edward Street/Eastern Road and New Church Road/Church Road. The purpose of the review will be to determine whether bus stops could be more efficiently located in order to improve journey times whilst minimising any impact on the accessibility of bus stops. The number of stops relocated would be subject to the construction work involved, costing and public consultation. The review will commence before April 2023. Changes to the first stops identified will be implemented before April 2024. All construction work would be completed by April 2025.
The council will continue to manage a bus shelter maintenance contract. This will require shelters to be cleaned on a regular basis. It will also require shelter defects and vandalism to be made safe as soon as reasonably practical and made good as soon as possible thereafter.
The arrangements outlined in paragraphs 3.6-3.13 may be varied in future using the EP Scheme Bespoke Variation arrangements at Section 5.
(Provided under section 138D(2) of the Transport Act 2000)
The council will use the discretionary powers granted in the Traffic Management Act 2004 to enforce the list of bus lanes and bus gates provided in Annex A with CCTV equipment.
Any programme for subsequent installations or changes will amend Annex A using the Enhanced Partnership Scheme Bespoke Variation arrangements at Section 5. The council will also develop design proposals for red routes on Lewes Road (both sides between Elm Grove and the Vogue Gyratory) and A23 Preston Road (northbound between Preston Circus and Preston Drove and southbound between Preston Drove and Standford Avenue) by 1 April 2023. The implementation of any proposals will be subject to a consultation process and will include a Traffic Regulation Order being advertised.
The council will employ a dedicated civil enforcement officer through its enforcements contractor to enforce parking and loading at bus stops and elsewhere on bus routes where parking and loading causes delays to buses. The council will commence the recruitment within two months of BSIP funding being awarded. The post will continue subject to BSIP Funding.
The council will continue to support Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI) system until at least April 2025. The council will also conduct a review of the RTPI system by April 2025. The review will include consideration of the long-term sustainability of the RTPI system and any changes that may be needed to ensure this.
The council will develop maps for bus stops including route information. The number of bus stops will be subject to costing, however, the priority stops will be at interchangeable locations, to allow easy change to other forms of transport such as cycling or rail use. The priority stops will also be followed by other stops with bus shelters. The first maps will be developed and installed by April 2023. This will be rolled out to further allocations in 2023-24 and 2024-25.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Passenger satisfaction is planned to be measured through the annual Transport Focus Passenger Surveys. Overall passenger satisfaction which includes value for money, punctuality, and passenger transport information will be monitored and measured by reviewing operator patronage on a route-by-route basis. Reliability will be monitored and measured using operator punctuality data.
The council will continue to support the BetterPoints Move for Change scheme until at least April 2024 which provides bus passengers with rewards and an additional incentive to travel by bus.
The council will continue to make information accessible about ENCTS for older people and disabled people via its website. The council will further promote the scheme through social media and working with bus operators. The intention will be to ensure that residents are aware of the ENCTS scheme when they become eligible.
The council working in partnership with all bus operators to deliver a comprehensive and consistent marketing campaign. For fares and ticketing offers the council will use all reasonable avenues to promote measures to passengers. All marketing material will reflect the DfT guidance on branding for all BSIP and EP promotional materials.
Complementary measures
The council will continue to use parking charges within its control as a means to encourage sustainable modes of travel.
The arrangements outlined in paragraphs 3.16 to 3.24 may be varied in future using the EP Scheme Bespoke Variation arrangements in Section 5.
Section 4 - Obligations on Local Bus Operators
(Under section 138C of the Transport Act 2000)
Vehicle and accessibility standards
New vehicles registered on or after the EP Scheme commencement date must meet the following requirements:
- CCTV installed for safety and security. This will provide images inside the vehicle for safety and security
- free Wi-Fi
- automatic Vehicle Location equipment installed that will feed into the real time information system
- heating and cooling for customer comfort
- mobile device charging available, including at every wheelchair space and priority seats
- audio visual announcements, which apply to both decks where a bus has two decks:
- next stop audio announcements, including through an induction hearing loop at every wheelchair space and priority seats.
- next stop visual announcements.
- be accessible to all including the following features:
- step free access to the lower deck.
- ramps which can be deployed on request
- at least one wheelchair space
- floors that are not coloured black or another dark colour, in order to improve accessibility for people with dementia
- option to pay for tickets through contactless ticketing
In addition, operators shall:
- provide a Wheelchair Taxi Guarantee Scheme. Under the Wheelchair Taxi Guarantee Scheme, operators shall provide a taxi at no cost to the passenger if, for any reason, a wheelchair user is unable to board. Where such a situation arises, the bus driver shall request a taxi from the operator’s control centre and provide the passenger who is unable to board with a leaflet outlining the Wheelchair Taxi Guarantee Scheme
- permit assistance dogs on all services
All vehicles shall be cleaned internally at least daily
All operators will work with the council to investigate the feasibility of allowing bikes on additional bus services. This work will be complete by April 2024.
Zero emissions buses
All new buses purchased to operate in the city from January 2024 will have zero emissions at the tail pipe for their entire route
All buses running through the city will have zero emissions at the tail pipe for their entire route by April 2030.
All power to operate zero emissions buses will be generated from renewable sources. This will apply from the commencement of this EP Scheme.
The arrangements outlined in paragraphs 4.5 to 4.7 may be subject to available funding and changing regulatory requirements
Fares and ticketing
All bus operators will allow free travel by up to four children or young people aged 19 or under when accompanied by a fare paying adult or an adult concessionary pass holder. This offer shall apply at all times, including peak times and excluding night time routes and journeys. (defined locally by each operator)
All bus operators will introduce 50p single journey tickets for unaccompanied children or young people under19. This offer shall apply at off peak times only, (defined locally by each operator) excluding night time routes and journeys. (defined locally by each operator)
All bus operators will simplify fares e.g. by offering two types of single fares. Fare modelling will be undertaken to ensure best value for money for passengers.
All bus operators will reduce TOTO (Tap On, Tap Off) prices to match mobile and smart ticket prices.
Bus operators will develop and introduce a prepay contactless card for unbanked customers, the user will not incur a fee for the purchase or usage of the card. The card is to be designed for eventual use by all operators within the Brighton & Hove area.
The offers outlined in paragraphs 4.9-4.13 referenced in Annex C, will be subsidised by the council, using the DfT BSIP grant funding, until 31 March 2025. The grant funding period is:
- financial year 2022/2023
- financial year 2023/2024
- financial year 2024/2025
For the duration of the BSIP grant funding period all bus operators will reinvest operational cost savings proven to have arisen as a result of BSIP investments. This includes items such as, but not limited to, those listed below. All bus operators shall further commit to the principle of continuing these offers beyond 31 March 2025. This will be subject to the realisation of savings. To determine those savings, all operators will be required to provide all information reasonably requested by the council and any auditors the council may employ on its behalf, on an open book basis.
If impacts analysis reveals journey times savings on bus corridors covered by the schemes which benefit from BSIP capital investments, any affected bus operators will invest in measures such as, but not limited to, the following:
- continuing to offer fare reductions
- aproposed range of further service improvements e.g., additional daytime frequency
- improve overall service reliability
- securing the future of marginal services
- futher improvements in vehicle quality and facilities
With regards to BSIP funding support for reduced fares: all operators will be required to enter into reimbursement agreements with the council. Subsidy will be reviewed based on actual usage, to mitigate risk to all parties. The performance of the schemes will be closely monitored, and all parameters, including generation reviewed each year of the funding year to ensure they remain appropriate.
In addition to the above, and subject to agreement and discussion, operators will be required to:
- standardise fares across all payment methods. This means that the walk on cost will be the same whether paid for using contactless bank card, pre-payment card, mobile app or scratch card. The weekly capped fare will be the same whether paid for using contactless bank card, pre-payment card, mobile app, scratch card or cash.
- work with the Wave Community Bank to offer those on low incomes the ability to pay for long-term season tickets on a monthly basis. Operators shall actively promote this offer alongside others included in this EP Scheme (see paragraph 4.25)
The primary purpose of the package of fare offers and ticketing reform measures outlined in in paragraphs 4.9 to 4.17 will be to encourage higher bus usage. The council will lead on a monitoring plan to evaluate the impact of the different interventions and all operators will be required to participate fully in the process.
In the event that operators no longer wish to accept cash payments on services, they will not do so until an accessible alternative is in place. This alternative shall allow continued and convenient access to bus travel for those without bank accounts.
Passenger Charter
All operators shall adhere to a Passenger Charter (“the Charter). The purpose of the Charter is to explain what bus passengers can expect from bus services in Brighton & Hove and how to complain if bus passengers’ expectations are not met. The Charter reflects guidance from the Department for Transport and Transport Focus. The Charter was produced by the council in partnership with operators, who were provided with the opportunity to contribute. Operators shall make copies of links to the Charter available on their websites and at physical customer service points. The Charter is to be reviewed annually alongside the BSIP by the council. This will be subject to consultation with bus operators and passenger representatives. A summary and action plan will be published every six months as part of the BSIP reporting process. This will also include commitments in the Charter Proposed changes will be subject to the EP Forum decision making process outlined in Section 5.
This section is in addition to the vehicle specifications set out in paragraph 4.1
Bus operators will ensure that up to date paper-based timetable information is available at all bus stops within the city boundary at all times
Bus operators will continue to make paper-based timetable information available at customer service points
All operators commit to the provision of customer service training for drivers and other frontline staff working within the EP area
Bus operators will work with the council to actively promote and market the facilities and measures outlined in this EP Scheme to existing and potential bus passengers. This will also include a marketing campaign to address perceptions on the cost of bus travel, comparing to the cost of driving. All marketing enabled by the BSIP funding will be additional to that already undertaken by operators and/or the council.
The arrangements outlined in paragraphs 4.1. to 4.25 will be adopted and varied in the future using the EP Scheme Bespoke Variation arrangements at Section 5.
Section 5 – Governance arrangements
EP Forum
The future content and arrangements for the variation and revocation of the EP Plan and EP Scheme will be considered by a Forum, whose members comprise the council and bus operators providing local bus services within the EP Plan area, which is the whole of Brighton and Hove.
Each operator will have one vote (one vote for one parent company). The Forum will also have a Passenger Representative from Brighton Area Buswatch. The Passenger Representative will be invited to advise the EP Forum on the views of passengers, contribute to discussions and table agenda items; however; they will not have a decision-making role on the EP Forum.
The EP Forum will be chaired by a Member of the council’s Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee.
Guest attendees may be invited to the EP Forum on an ad-hoc basis. Guest attendees will have no decision-making role.
The EP Forum will meet quarterly.
Additional meetings may be called, for example, to consider urgent issues.
All meetings will be arranged by the council. Agenda papers and minutes from the previous meeting will be circulated in advance of each meeting.
Meetings will either be held at Hove Town Hall or virtually. Other meeting locations may be used from time to time with the prior agreement of Forum members.
The above arrangements for the EP Forum will be adopted and varied in future using the Enhanced Partnership Scheme Bespoke Variation arrangements in paragraphs 5.13 to 5.14.
Review of EP Scheme
Once the EP Scheme is made, it will be reviewed by the EP Forum every 6 months following publication of data on progress towards targets, as required by the BSIP. This will ensure any necessary action is taken to deliver the targets set out in the BSIP. The council will initiate each review.
The EP Forum can also decide to review specific elements of the scheme on an ad-hoc basis. EP Forum members should contact the council’s public transport team by email explaining what the issue is and its urgency. The council will then decide whether to table at the next scheduled meeting or make arrangements for all or the necessary EP Forum members to gather more quickly.
The council will invite stakeholders to feedback on the success of the EP and the performance of the council and bus operators against the outcomes outlined in the EP Scheme. Feedback will be sought at least annually. Stakeholders shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, representatives of transport user groups, groups representing people with protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 and business representatives. The council will collate feedback and present this at a meeting of the EP Forum.
Bespoke arrangements for varying or revoking the Enhanced Partnership Scheme.
Under powers at section 138E and as permitted by section 138(K)(7) of the Transport Act 2000, this EP Scheme may be varied or revoked in accordance with the bespoke mechanism as set out in this section (5). Any provision of the EP Scheme may be amended in accordance with such bespoke mechanism including, without limitation, as to its scope, its duration, this clause (5.11) and/or any other provision of this EP Scheme.
Proposer of a variation
Consideration will be given to potential EP Scheme variations highlighted either by the council, one of the organisations represented on the EP Forum, or by an operator of local bus services. The proposer of a variation should demonstrate how this might contribute to achieving the objectives set out in the BSIP, EP Plan and current local transport policies. Such requests should be in writing and submitted to the council’s public transport team by email. The council will forward all requests on to all EP Forum members within 14 calendar days.
Decision-making process and bespoke objection mechanism
On receipt of a request for a variation under this section, the council will reconvene the EP Forum, giving at least 14 calendar days’ notice for the meeting, to consider the proposed variation.
In the council’s exercise of its discretion whether to support a variation it shall also take into consideration:
- the need to prevent an operator or group of operators from influencing the Enhanced Partnership to benefit exclusively
- the need to prevent an operator or group of operators from influencing the Enhanced Partnership to damage the market for bus services
- where the financial implications on operators exceed £50,000 in any financial year
- where the Council believes or suspects:
- anti-competitive implications
- a decision against public interest
If the proposed variation is agreed by all bus operator representatives present, and if the council also agrees, the council will make the EP Scheme variation within 21 calendar days and publish the revised EP Scheme on its website. If all operators do not agree on the time scale to object is 28 calendar days.
If all operators do not agree, the following criteria will be applied:
Criteria 1:
- The combined registered distance of all the qualifying local services operated by objectors in the EP Scheme area is at least 25% of the total registered distance of all local bus services operated by all the bus operators in that area and:
- where there are 4 or more operators in the EP Scheme area, at least 3 are objectors; or
- where there are less than 4 operators in the EP Scheme area, all are objectors.
Criteria 2:
- At least 50% of the total number of operators of qualifying local services within the EP Scheme area have objected and the combined registered distance of qualifying local services operated by the objectors in the area subject to the variation is at least 4% of the registered distance of all local bus services operated by all the bus operators in that area.
If either criteria are satisfied, the variation will not be agreed.
Eligible EP Forum members who are absent or not expressing a view at the meeting (either in person or in writing) will be deemed to be abstaining from the decision.
The agreement by representatives of the council at the EP Forum may be subject to a formal decision by elected Members of the Council. In this case, the making of an EP Scheme variation will be postponed until the decision is made by elected Members of the Council.
Revocation of an EP Scheme
If the council or a bus operator member of the EP Forum believes it is necessary to revoke the EP Scheme, the EP Forum will be reconvened. If the decision is taken to revoke the EP Scheme, it will follow the bespoke decision making arrangements as set out earlier in this section.
If at any point in the future, any area covered by this EP Scheme is included in a bus franchising scheme, the relevant requirements set out in this EP Scheme document will cease to apply to areas covered by the franchising scheme, in line with the arrangements set out in the franchising scheme. (Section 123H(6) to (8) of the Transport Act 2000)