Get information on parking permits, Penalty Charge Notices, Pay and Display, Car parks, disabled parking and more.
View the car park map.
Electric vehicle charging points
There are electric vehicle charging points at several locations across the city, including – Withdean, The Level, Bartholomew Square, Madeira Drive, Trafalgar Street, Regency Square Car Park, The Lanes Car Park and London Road Car Park.
Park and ride
If you're driving from further afield and want to enjoy your trip into Brighton & Hove without joining a queue of traffic or struggling to park, use our park and ride site at the Withdean Sports Complex.
Driving and riding
Bus lanes
Information on bus lanes, including a map of the bus lane restrictions in the city centre and how to avoid them.
Car clubs
Car clubs are a form of car share scheme and offer another alternative to owning a car in the city. They are perfect for those who have occasional need for a car or van. There is one car club in Brighton & Hove called City Car Club. The City Car Club website provides more information on where car club vehicles are and how much the scheme costs.
Car sharing / lift sharing
Have you thought about renting a car from a local resident or renting your car to other local residents when you're not using it? EasyCar Club is a national peer-to-peer car rental company now available to car owners and renters in Brighton & Hove. Similarly, lift sharing is a great way to reduce travelling costs and reduce your carbon footprint. To find out more go to
Road Safety
Driving safely
Get road safety information on driving speed, drink, drugs & driving, mobile phones & driving, road safety advice for older drivers; and road safety advice for businesses.
Riding safely
Get road safety information on protective clothing, the enhanced riders scheme, the CRASH card and more.
Travelling around the city
Plan a journey
Use our journey planner, get real time bus and rail information. JourneyOn is a portal for transport information in the city and provides information on all modes of transport, including cycling, walking, public transport and driving.
Roadworks map
View the roadworks map for Brighton & Hove and a map showing existing and planned roadworks in Brighton & Hove.