Vehicle crossover terms and conditions
The following terms and conditions are applicable for vehicle crossovers:
- The hardstanding served by the crossover shall be a minimum depth of 4.5 metres at right angles to the road across the entire width of the crossover.
- The minimum width of the crossover shall be 2.75 metres plus any tapered/radius/quadrant kerbs. The maximum width of the crossover shall be 5.5 metres including any tapered/radius/quadrant kerbs.
- A 45-degree visibility splay over a distance of 2 metres shall be clear of obstructions over 0.6 metres in height to allow adequate visibility of pedestrians. See the diagram below.
- If there are 2 crossovers serving the same property there shall be at least 5 metres between them.
- The maximum gradient of the crossover shall be 1:12 or 8%. The recommended gradient of the crossover is 1:20 or 5%.
- No surface water shall flow from the property onto the public highway. No surface water should be allowed to flow from the public highway onto the property. Adequate drainage shall be provided to collect any flow of surface water.
- No part of any vehicle parked on the property shall project onto or over the highway, including the crossover.
- Vehicles shall only access the property by driving over the vehicle crossover perpendicular to the highway.
- It's the responsibility of the applicant to check if planning permission is required.
- All fees shall be paid in advance, and no refunds will be given.
- If a temporary crossover is required as part of a Demolition Environmental Management Plan (DEMP) or Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP), permission will not be granted until the DEMP or CEMP has been approved.
- Work shall not begin until the licence has been issued. It's an offence under Sections 131 and 133 of the Highways Act 1980 for any person to unlawfully open the highway.
- The contractor carrying out the works to build the crossover shall have New Roads and Street Works Act accreditation at both Operative and Supervisor levels, and Public Liability Insurance for a minimum of £10 million.
- The contractor carrying out the works to build the crossover shall hold all utility plant records before starting on site including, but not limited to, gas, water, electric, and telecoms.
- All works shall be properly protected and, during the hours of darkness, properly lit. All necessary precautions will be taken to ensure the safety of the public at all times until the opening or access has been permanently reinstated and the site cleared. The minimum standard for signing, lighting and guarding at all sites will be as shown in the Safety at Street Works and Road Works Code of Practice.
- If any additional licences or permissions are required for the works to take place, they must all have been granted before the works begin. This includes, but is not limited to, materials licences, and parking suspensions.
- The contractor shall indemnify Brighton & Hove City Council from and against all liability for personal injury (whether fatal or otherwise), loss or damage to property and any other loss, damage, costs and expenses however caused and which but for the above-mentioned works would not have arisen.
- Brighton & Hove City Council may make good any damage or complete the work to their satisfaction if the resident and/or contractor fail to comply with these conditions or fail to complete the work within the period stated. In this case, Brighton & Hove City Council will recover its costs from the resident.
- Upon completion of the works, the site shall be left and maintained in a safe condition to the satisfaction of Brighton & Hove City Council for a period of 2 years.
- The property owner shall be responsible for any remedial works required on the crossover for a period of 2 years after it has been built. After this guarantee period has elapsed Brighton & Hove City Council as the Highway Authority will again be responsible for its maintenance to the prescribed standards.
- The crossover shall not be used by vehicles until it has been signed off by Brighton & Hove City Council, confirming that it has been constructed correctly.
- Temporary crossovers shall be returned to the original highway layout when they're no longer required. These works shall not take place without a Vehicle Crossover Licence. If the temporary crossover is to be incorporated into a new or amended access arrangement, these works shall not take place without a Section 278 works agreement.
- The applicant shall adhere to any additional or special conditions imposed by Brighton & Hove City Council on any crossover permission or licence.