Working together to make a safe, efficient and sustainable highway network for everybody
On 30 March 2015 the traffic management permit scheme was put in place to help:
- reduce disruption on the road network
- improve network management
- reduce delays to the public
- promote a safer environment
- reduce carbon emissions
All roadworks and activities on highways can reduce the amount of the street available to traffic and pedestrians. This can also cause problems for businesses and local residents. The scale of disruption is different depending on the type of activities and the capacity of the street. Activities where the traffic flow is close to, or exceeds, the physical capacity of the street can cause congestion, disruption and delays.
The Brighton & Hove Traffic Management Permit Scheme will improve the strategic and operational management of the road network through better planning, scheduling and management of activities to minimise disruption to any people using the road or pavement. We will be able to use it to coordinate activities throughout the highway network, making sure disruption to those competing for space or time in the street, including traffic, can be reduced in a positive and constructive way.
The Brighton & Hove Traffic Management Permit Scheme has now had 6 successful years of operation. The evaluation report for the period of 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2021 has now been published. Read the Traffic Management Permit Scheme reports.
Activities requiring a permit
You will need a permit if your activity includes:
- breaking up or resurfacing any street
- opening the carriageway or cycleway of traffic-sensitive streets at traffic sensitive times
- the need for any form of temporary traffic regulation order or notice, or the suspension of pedestrian crossing facilities
- reducing the lanes available on a carriageway of three or more lanes
- reducing the width of the existing carriageway of a traffic-sensitive street at a traffic sensitive time
If any of the above applies to your activity, please refer to the traffic management permit scheme guidance (PDF 525KB) for details of the scheme.
Amendments were made to the scheme on 2 September 2015 as detailed in the Brighton & Hove traffic management permit scheme order amendment PDF (90KB).
Application and conditions
You can make an application for a permit through EToN 6 compliant noticing systems or manually by downloading the Brighton & Hove permit scheme application (docx 21KB). Send your completed application to
We have adopted the nationally agreed permit scheme conditions (PDF 279KB), developed and approved by the Highway Authorities and Utility Committee (England), as our standard conditions, including referencing.
Fees and benefits
There will be fees applicable to any approved permit. Details of the charges can be found in the traffic management permit scheme fees table (PDF 12KB).
An explanation of the fees is found in the traffic management permit scheme Department for Transport cost matrix (XLS 463KB). We will monitor and review our fees internally on a yearly basis. They will also be evaluated by the Department for Transport after the first and fourth years.
We produced the traffic management permit scheme cost benefit analysis (PDF 623KB) to help measure the costs and benefits to the local economy and society.
Legislation and consultation
Part 3 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 (TMA) introduced permit schemes as a new way in which we can manage activities in the public highway.
Formal consultation regarding the proposed Brighton & Hove traffic management permit scheme ran for a period of twelve weeks beginning 12 December 2013 and the traffic management permit scheme consultation report document (PDF 437KB) was produced at the end of this.
On 27 October 2014 the Department for Transport sent the traffic management permit scheme approval letter (PDF 60KB).
Legislation for the scheme is set out in the Traffic Management (Brighton & Hove City Council) Permit Scheme Order 2015.