Bus gates are an important part of Brighton & Hove’s transport system and improve bus reliability as well as ease congestion. At several sites across the city, CCTV enforcement cameras are operating to ensure drivers comply with bus gate restrictions.
What a bus gate is
A bus gate is a short section of road which only buses and authorised vehicles can go through as shown by appropriate signage.
How a bus gate is different to a bus lane
A bus lane is marked by a solid thick white line and the words ‘Bus Lane’ which are periodically marked on the road. Only buses and authorised vehicles can travel in the bus lane as shown by appropriate signage.
Find more information on bus lanes.
What bus gate warning signs look like
Who is allowed to drive in through the bus gates
Only buses, cycles, private hire vehicles, taxis and exempt emergency vehicles can drive in through the bus gates.
All road users must observe and comply with the signs at each location to avoid receiving a fine (also called a penalty charge notice (PCN)).
Penalty charge notices (PCNs)
The registered keeper of a vehicle that enters a bus gate can expect to receive a fine.
Find more information about penalty charge notices.
Where the bus gates are
Bus gate locations are on:
- Marlborough Place/Gloucester Place Northbound
- York Place Northbound and St Georges Place Southbound
- St Peter’s Place Eastbound
Valley Gardens bus gates
As part of the recent improvements to Valley Gardens, bus gates have been installed to support the smoother travel of public transport, including buses and taxis, through the area.
Find a map of the bus gate enforcement areas.
The map shows:
- access to North Road is via Church Street
- access to Gloucester Street, Gloucester Place, St George’s Place and Trafalgar Street is via North Road only
- vehicles which access Marlborough Place must turn right at the North Road junction and must not enter the bus gate
- access to York Place is via Lewes Road
- vehicles accessing Gloucester Place or St George’s Place must turn left into Gloucester Street or Gloucester Place and not enter York Place
The map also shows that automatic number plate recognition cameras are on:
- Marlborough Place at the junction of North Road for vehicles which do not turn right
- St George’s Place at the junction of Trafalgar Street for vehicles which do not turn left into Trafalgar Street
- York Place at the junction of Trafalgar Street for vehicles which do not turn right into Trafalgar Street