Health Impact Assessment Guidance

Guidance to support the implementation of City Plan Part One policy CP18 A Healthy City.

Example site location plan

View an example location plan to help your planning application.

Example photomontage

Example of a photomontage that can be used in planning applications.

Sample elevations

Example elevations to show on planning permission applications.

Example floor plan

Example of a floor plan for planning applications.

Example block plans

These examples show how you can make your own block plan for a planning application.

Guidance on Lawful developments certificates

These certificates confirm that either a proposed development does not need planning permission or Development that has already taken place either did not need permission, or took place so long ago that it is immune from enforcement action.

Find advice on acoustic requirements

Find out if you need to submit a report about the noise impact of the area around your proposed development.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Information about the planned introduction from 5 October 2020.

Affordable housing validation requirements

Targets for affordable housing

Policy CP20 of the Brighton & Hove City Council City Plan Part One requires the provision of affordable housing on all sites of 5 or more dwellings (net) with the following targets: