Heritage Statements: Field Evaluation

Field Evaluation

Where a desk-based assessment is insufficient to assess the archaeological interest of a heritage asset fully, on-site field evaluation may be necessary in order to provide the necessary information.

Heritage Statements: Built Heritage Assessment

Built Heritage Assessment

A built heritage assessment determines – as far as reasonably possible – the nature, extent and significance of buildings, structures and historic landscapes on a development site or affected by development in their setting (the ‘significance statement’).  It goes on to consider the impact of proposed development on that significance (the ‘impact assessment’).  It is important to make sure the significance statement remains objective and separate to the impact assessment.

Heritage Statements: Undertaking Historic Research

Where can I find information on the history of my property or area?

The below list of resources is not exhaustive, but may provide a useful start point for undertaking research to inform changes to your property ahead of a planning application.  It will be added to when the council becomes aware of other relevant sources.

Brighton & Hove City Council is not responsible for the content of the external websites listed below.

Heritage Statements: How has the proposal been designed to conserve the significance of the asset ('mitigation')?

How has the proposal been designed to conserve the significance of the asset ('mitigation')?

This is your opportunity to explain how the proposal has been designed to conserve and/or better reveal the significance of the heritage assets.  It should also set out how any harmful impacts have been avoided or minimized, especially if the design has changed in order to achieve this.

Heritage Statements: What is known about the affected heritage assets?

What is known about the affected heritage assets?

Research and on site analysis is needed in order to understand the historic development of affected heritage assets and their artistic, architectural, historic and archaeological interest.  This provides the foundation to understand what is important about the asset (its ‘significance’). 

Heritage Statements: What heritage assets are affected by the proposals?

What heritage assets are affected by the proposals?

The first main step in writing a heritage statement is to find out what heritage assets might be affected by your proposals.  A heritage asset is identified in the National Planning Policy Framework (2012) as a "building, monument, site, place, area or landscape identified as having a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions, because of its heritage interest".

Heritage statements

Guidance on heritage information to be submitted with planning applications