Contact us about a property you're renting out

Contact us if you're a private landlord, letting your property through the council, or have a question about HMO licensing

Contact us about your private rented housing

Contact us if you need help with a private housing problem, or if you have a question about our private housing services.

Contact Building Control

How to book a building inspection or contact our team.

Contact us about council housing

Contact us if you have a question about our council housing services, or disagree with a decision we've made.

Get help if you're living on the street

Let us know if you're homeless or sleeping rough to find out how we can help.

Contact Local Offer

Get in touch with one of our teams for help and information.

Contact Adult Social Care

Get in touch with one of our teams for help and information.

Resident groups

Find out how to join or start a local resident group in your area. Get involved in improving services.

Report housing fraud

Let us know if you think someone is committing housing fraud in Brighton & Hove

Report a neighbourhood issue

Let us know about an issue in your council estate that's affecting day to day life for you or your neighbours