A total of 11 organisations have been awarded funding from a grant scheme supporting Ukrainian refugees.
The grant scheme was launched earlier this year as a response to the Ukrainian refugee humanitarian crisis, using funds from the Homes for Ukraine programme.
The aim of the grant is to back innovative projects supporting the independence and integration of our Ukrainian guests, enabling them to fulfil their potential and contribute to the city.
On this page you can find support services for Ukrainian refugees, divided by topic:
- English for Speakers of Other Languages provision
- employability and business start-up advice
- access to information, advice and guidance
- mental health and wellbeing support
- community cohesion and integration
- events at Brighton Swimming Centre
English for Speakers of Other Languages provision (ESOL)
Conversation Over Borders: 1-to-1 English and befriending classes for displaced people
Conversation Over Borders offers 1-to-1 online English conversation classes online with a volunteer tutor, for up to 8 months.
Delivery is mostly online, and all clients have access to the Digital Inclusion Project in tandem, providing service users with laptops and/or phones and 1-to-1 digital skills support.
Location and times
Location: online, facilitated through access to their Digital Inclusion Project (access to laptops/phones and 1-to-1 digital skills support).
Times: classes run between 9am to 7pm, Monday to Thursday. Classes are 1-to-1 and flexible, depending on the learner's availability.
Contact details
For general information send an email to info@conversationoverborders.org.
For queries about the English and Befriending Project send an email to aine@conversationoverborders.org.
For queries about the Digital Inclusion Project send an email to ily@conversationoverborders.org.
Find out more about Conversations Over Borders.
University of Sussex: English Language for Refugees Scheme
The Department of Language Studies at the University of Sussex is offering free places for people with refugee or asylum seeker status in their Intensive English Language Program.
Students must:
- have at least a B1 level of English to apply as the classes are B1 to B2+
- be able to attend classes every day
The morning classes are general English classes whereas the afternoon classes focus on IELTS and/or English for Academic Purposes.
Bus tickets are provided by the department.
How to refer/self-refer
Send an e-mail to Daria Artamonova at d.artamonova@sussex.ac.uk if you're interested in applying or if you would like any more information about the programme.
Location and times
Location of service: University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9RH.
Times: Monday to Friday, 9am to 12:30pm (15 hours in total) and optional Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 2pm to 4pm (6 hours in total).
Contact details
To contact Daria Artamonova (Senior Officer MAH School):
- send an e-mail to d.artamonova@sussex.ac.uk
- phone 01273 878 754
To contact Dan Sumner (Convenor of International Programmes for the Department of Language Studies):
- send an e-mail to d.l.sumner@sussex.ac.uk
- phone 01273 876 675
Trust for Developing Communities
Trust for Developing Communities provides individual and group support for Ukrainians to help them find work, training and work experience.
They have Ukrainian-speaking workers and can offer information, advice and guidance, ESOL and skills workshops.
Their service is free and person-centred which means they work with you for as long as you want the support in a way that suits you.
How to refer/self-refer
Send an email to info@trustdevcom.org.uk or emmareeves@trustdevcom.org.uk.
Location and times
Location: Brighton & Hove.
Times: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Contact details
To contact Trust for Developing Communities send an email to info@trustdevcom.org.uk or emmareeves@trustdevcom.org.uk.
Employability and business start-up advice
Brighton Chamber
Led by Brighton Chamber, this project activity is designed to help refugees from Ukraine and other countries find the jobs and careers they would like to do and have the skills for.
They can:
- help people connect with employers, jobs and training opportunities
- organise meetings with employees in their desired sector and arrange work trials
- mentor and facilitate connections to support pathways into work
Activities offered include:
- match-making sessions to meet employers in different sectors
- support for skilled individuals wanting to move into work in a chosen sector
- workshops for people wanting to be self-employed or run a business
- help to access training opportunities including apprenticeships
- 3 Inclusive Employer Jobs Fairs
How to refer/self-refer
Refugees from Ukraine and other countries and the organisations that are supporting them can contact them directly. Contact details are given below.
Location of activities: there are no regular meet-ups, the project will be organising events. To get support, contact the organisation directly.
Contact details
To contact Susi Owusu (Project and Event Coordinator):
- send an email to chamber@brightonchamber.co.uk
- phone 01273 719 097
Trust for Developing Communities
Trust for Developing Communities provides individual and group support for Ukrainians to help them find work, training and work experience.
They have Ukrainian-speaking workers and can offer information, advice and guidance, ESOL and skills workshops.
They can support you with:
- CV writing
- gaining confidence
- attending classes
- volunteering
- linking you into networks
- job applications
- references
They can also signpost you to other services and resources.
How to refer/self-refer
Send an email to info@trustdevcom.org.uk or emmareeves@trustdevcom.org.uk.
Location and times
Location: Brighton & Hove.
Times: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Contact details
To contact Trust for Developing Communities send an email to info@trustdevcom.org.uk or emmareeves@trustdevcom.org.uk.
The Launchpad Collective
The Launchpad Collective offers work-ready support for refugees and asylum seekers with Right to Work.
Support is divided into 4 options (with letters A-D) and includes:
- option A: online 20-week Work-Ready English programme (including digital skills and confidence building) aimed at people with B1+ (Level 1 ESOL) or B2 (Level 2 ESOL) English levels.
- option B: online programme of work-related talks “Conversations about Work”
- option C: tailored support - ad hoc 1-2-1 support with career coaches, careers advice and everything from working on your CV, practising interview techniques and applying for university courses
- option D: self-employment/starting up your own business support in person in Brighton and online talks.
How to refer/self-refer or signpost
The method of referral depends on which letter (A-D) of support you're interested in:
- option A: you can refer someone through an online form, clients can sign up through an online form
- option B: refer or client can sign up themselves through an online form
- option C: you can refer someone through an online form, clients can sign up through an online form
- option D: send an email to hello@wearetlc.org.uk
Location and times
The location of the service depends on which letter (A-D) of support you're interested in:
- option A takes place online
- option B takes place online
- option C takes place online or in-person depending on the location
- option D takes place in person plus online talks
The times of the service depend on which letter (A-D) of support you're interested in:
- option A is a 20-week course which starts in September, then again in March
- option B is twice a month, dates vary
- option C is ad hoc to suit clients’ needs
- option D starts in August with additional support to be confirmed
Contact details
For more information send an email to Kotaiba Alabdullah at hello@wearetlc.org.uk.
Access to information, advice and guidance
Stand For Ukraine
Stand for Ukraine is a community group that supports all of the Ukrainian community in Brighton & Hove. They do this by:
- holding regular drop-ins in partnership with the Network of International Women
- holding larger community events on significant Ukrainian celebrations
- signposting Ukrainian refugees to the other support networks across the city
- working with partner organisations to look at providing the best support possible for those who have recently moved to the city
How to refer/self-refer
People can attend drop-ins, join their thriving Telegram network or find up-to-date information on the Stand For Ukraine Brighton & Hove website or the Stand for Ukraine Brighton & Hove Facebook page.
Location and times
Location: drop-in every Saturday at All Saints Church, Hove. There are also frequently other events organised across the city.
Times: drop-in, 1pm to 3pm every Saturday.
Contact details
To find out more contact Iryna:
- phone 07858 460 185
- send an email to iryna.olyanovska@gmail.com
Mental health and wellbeing support
Phoenix Therapy Practice
Phoenix Therapy Practice offers free emotional support to Ukrainian refugees who are living in Brighton & Hove. They offer a free initial consultation, followed by up to 12 counselling sessions.
Natalia Podgainaya will be offering sessions in Ukrainian or Russian. Natalia is a practising certified psychologist with 5 years of work experience. Other practitioners at Phoenix Therapy Practice will be offering sessions in English.
How to refer/self-refer
They accept both referrals and self-referrals. Contact Phoenix Therapy Practice to book a free initial consultation, letting them know your availability and what language you prefer to speak. Contact details are given below.
Location and times
Location: they offer sessions in person in Hove and via zoom.
Times: Monday to Friday.
Contact details
To contact Phoenix Therapy Practice:
- send an email to info@phoenixtherapypractice.co.uk
- phone 01273 256 882
- message/WhatsApp 07388 469 751
Find out more about Phoenix Therapy Practice.
Community cohesion and integration including awareness-raising, social connections and events
Stand For Ukraine
Stand for Ukraine is a community group that supports all of the Ukrainian community in Brighton & Hove. They do this by:
- holding regular drop-ins in partnership with the Network of International Women
- holding larger community events on significant Ukrainian celebrations
- signposting Ukrainian refugees to the other support networks across the city
- working with partner organisations to look at providing the best support possible for those who have recently moved to the city
How to refer/self-refer
People can attend drop-ins, join their thriving Telegram network or find up-to-date information on the Stand For Ukraine Brighton & Hove website or the Stand for Ukraine Brighton & Hove Facebook page.
Location and times
Location of service: drop-in every Saturday at All Saints Church, Hove. There are also frequently other events organised across the city.
Times: drop-in, 1pm to 3pm every Saturday.
Contact details
To find out more contact Iryna:
- phone 07858 460 185
- send an email to iryna.olyanovska@gmail.com
Brighton Swimming Centre
Refugee swimming club
Refugees are welcome to attend free swimming lessons to improve their swimming ability and to join Brighton Swimming Centre's open water swimming programme Pool to Pier.
As well as improving physical and mental fitness, the programme also provides an opportunity to train and qualify to work within the leisure industry.
Refugees taking part in this programme must also attend regular English classes.
Their next programme to join commences in September.
Contact details
For more information send an email to freya@brightonswimmingschool.com.
Ukrainian children’s swimming lessons
Throughout the school holidays, they will offer free swimming lessons to all Ukrainian children in the city.
Contact details
For more information send an email to admin@brightonswimmingschool.com.
Saturday and school holiday Ukrainian children’s club
BSC offer a free Saturday club for Ukrainian children from 11am to 2pm during term time.
The sessions are led by Ukrainian teachers and taught in Ukrainian and include arts and crafts activities linked to UA culture and language. They also offer programmes during the major school holidays.
Brighton Swimming Centre, Eastern Road, Brighton, BN2 5JJ.
Contact details
For further information send an email to Dariia Semenenko at piccolinoclub@gmail.com.