Street naming and numbering notice
Section 18 of the Public Health Act 1925 relating to notification of street names and name plates.
Reference Number: 772813
Proposal to rename an unofficial street, including the erection of street name plates
Notice is given that Brighton & Hove City Council, pursuant to Section 18 of the Public Health Act 1925, intends to make an Order assigning a name to the street set out below and which is shown on a map available for inspection on the Council’s website and notice is further given that such order will be made on or after 17 May 2021.
Any person aggrieved by the intended order may within 21 consecutive days after the date of this notice appeal to Brighton Magistrates’ Court, Edward Street, Brighton BN2 0LG, against such order. A copy of any such appeal should also be sent to the Street Naming & Numbering Department at the email address
Dated 17 June 2021
Location of Street
Access way from off Windlesham Close, Portslade
Proposed Name
Courthope Close.
Reason for Naming
To enable the council, residents and emergency services to effectively locate and identify the street.
Nick Hibberd
Executive Director Economy Environment & Culture