Specialist short breaks
Learn about short break services for families of children with SEND that require an assessment from a social worker. These breaks include overnight stays, homesitting and other opportunities.
Specialist short breaks
All the short break services described below require an assessment from a social worker.
If you would like to be assessed for these services, contact the social work team:
- send an email to frontdoorforfamilies@brighton-hove.gov.uk
- phone 01273 290 400
If you're already involved with any professional from education, health or social care, they can make a referral on your behalf.
There are also universal short break services and targeted short break services which do not require a social care assessment.
Eligibility for specialist short breaks
Children and young people in Brighton & Hove are eligible for specialist short breaks if:
- they have a moderate to severe learning disability and/or a severe physical disability
- their needs can only be met through the input of specialist services
Disability is defined in section 17 (11) of the Children Act 1989.
Available specialist short break services
Information about services currently available is given below.
Crossroads provides a home-sitting service for children and young people with disabilities.

New services
Some new services are offering specialist short breaks. You can read a description of the offers from these services on our providers of short breaks page, or click the links below to find out more.
- Amazing Futures: read more about Amazing Futures
- The Downs Syndrome Development Trust: read more about the Down Syndrome Development Trust
- Summer Adventure Camps: read more about Summer Adventure Camps

Respite short breaks
Tudor House
Tudor House is a residential respite provision offering short breaks for young people who have severe learning disabilities and who may also have physical disabilities. This facility is best suited to young people aged 10 to 18.
Drove Road
Drove Road is a residential respite provision which offers short breaks for young people with severe learning disabilities. This facility is best suited to young people aged 8 to 18.
Review of in-house respite provisions
We're currently undertaking a review of the in-house respite provisions.
The proposal is to consider:
- increased capacity for respite within Drove Road
- Tudor House becoming a full-time residential establishment
Direct payments
Direct payments are an alternative means of providing families with short breaks. A sum of money is provided rather than a direct service. This means a family can buy their own short breaks, for example, by employing a personal assistant.
Some families may have a mixture of direct payments and services, whilst some will have just direct payments.
Read more about direct payments.
More information
Read more about our universal short break services and targeted short break services which do not require a social care assessment.