About special schools
Special schools are for children with significant learning difficulties. Children at these schools may need help with:
- communication and interaction
- cognition and learning
- social, emotional and mental health
- sensory and physical needs
You can tell us which school you want your child to go to when it's time to:
Types of school
In the city we have Brighton & Hove City Council special schools, which are run by our council.
Around the UK there are also:
- non-maintained and independent special schools and colleges that are not funded by councils or run to make a profit
- independent schools, also called private schools, that are not funded by councils and are run to make a profit
Brighton & Hove City Council special schools and colleges
List of special schools:
Independent and non-maintained special schools
View a full list of independent and special schools and colleges around the UK, which includes independent schools. The schools in this list are approved by section 41 of the Children and Families Act.
More information
Read more about special schools and how they help children on the Amaze website.