Who to ask for help
If you’re worried about your child’s development, behaviour or learning you can talk to their:
- childminder
- worker at nursery, playgroup, school or college
- teacher at school or college work
- special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) at nursery, playgroup or school
- inclusion coordinator (INCO) at secondary school
- student support team at college or university
- social worker
- health visitor
- GP or doctor
- Amaze, our local information, advice and support service
What happens next
The professional you talked to will work with you to find out if your child may have special educational needs or a disability and the best way to support them.
More information
Find out about:
Watch this animation funded by the Department for Education to help children and young people with SEND and their parents learn about the service and support on offer from their local Information and Advice Support Service (IASS).
You can also read our special educational needs and disabilities guide for professionals, such as SENCOs (PDF 2.4MB).