A PTB is a payment to help you to make your child's home to school travel arrangements in a way that suits your personal circumstances.
It’s provided to parents or carers of children who are eligible for transport to school. It allows you to make flexible arrangements and check the quality of your child's transport.
You could also work with other parents or carers to achieve the best possible travel arrangements for your children.
PTBs have no impact on any other benefits. It is your responsibility to check that this is the case in your personal circumstances. Payments are not taxed as they relate to the child not the parents or guardians.
Benefits of Personal Travel Budgets
PTBs allow parents and carers the opportunity to arrange a travel solution that works for the individual child/children. It can also allow for an arrangement that fits within the broader logistics of their family.
This can be helpful as it means you don't have to rely on the pick-up/drop off timings that the Home to School Transport Service provide. Especially if these make it difficult for other family members to get to work or take siblings to nursery or school.
They may provide more control over travel arrangements. We recognise that although we do our best, we can’t always meet every need of every child. Sometimes a bespoke arrangement organised by the parent carer can be a better option for that child/young person.
A PTB may be a good way to support a part-time timetable that may have been agreed in exceptional circumstances.
Disadvantages of Personal Travel Budgets
You are responsible for making travel arrangements yourself. This includes making sure anyone accompanying your child has enhanced DBS check. This is undertaken at least every 3 years. It is also your responsibility to make alternative arrangements if anything falls through.
It is not always easy to find your own personal assistant or childminder.
Shared arrangements can often work well. But they can also add strain to friendships if the arrangements fall through for any reason.