When children start reception
You can ask for your child to start school outside of their normal age group, in reception rather than Year 1, if :
- they were born between 1 April and 31 August
- you don’t think they’re ready to start school in the September after they turn 4
How to ask for your child to start in reception year
When you apply for a school place, you'll need to complete the application form to start school outside of the normal age group.
You’ll need to give reasons for the request and include copies of any documents you have as evidence.
Upload the form with your application or email the completed form to schooladmissions@brighton-hove.gov.uk.
You can also print, complete and send the form by post to School Admissions Team, Hove Town Hall, Norton Road, Hove, BN3 3BQ.
Application deadlines
Deadline to apply is 15 January 2022.
If there are exceptional reasons why you can't apply by this date, we will consider late applications until 8 March 2022.
What the evidence needs to show
Examples of evidence you share with us need to show:
- that your child was born between 1 April and 31 August
- information about your child’s personal, social, emotional and academic development
- medical history and views of a medical professional, if relevant
- if your child was born prematurely
What happens next
The council and the school, if it is a voluntary aided, free school or academy, will consider each request on its merits and consider whether, after reaching compulsory school age, it would be in your child’s best interest to start in reception or in year one.
Where the council is the admission authority, we will consult the headteacher of each preferred school before a decision is taken.
We will let you know the decision before national offer day on 16 April.
If your request is agreed
Your application to start reception in September 2023 will be cancelled. You will need to apply again to start reception in September 2022.
If you apply for different schools the following year you will need to request again for your child to be admitted out of year group.
If your request is refused
We will continue with your application to start reception in 2022. You will need to decide if you want to accept the place or apply for a place in year 1 for September 2023.
Requests for admission to different year groups
If you apply for admission into a different year group or request an accelerated admission, the same process will apply.
You should apply for a school place at the same time that other families are applying.
When the admission authority considers these requests, they will also take into account whether your child has been previously educated out of year group.
More information
View our school application guides for more information.
DFE Guidance for Parents on summer born children starting school