Report a dead animal
If you've found a dead animal on public land, we'll remove it and clean up.
What to do if you find a dead animal
If you find a dead animal on public land, you can report a dead animal for removal.
This includes:
- pets
- wild animals
- farm animals
How we deal with the report will depend on the type of animal and where it is found.
We are unable to arrange collection of dead animals or pets on private land.
What we do when we find a dead animal
If we find a pet or wild animal that has died and it is on public land, we will try to pick it up as soon as possible. If it is a pet that has died, we will record its details.
If the pet has a readable microchip or collar, our team will try to contact the owner to let them know they've been found. Please remember to update your pets' microchips if you change any of your details.
We have limited facilities to store dead animals. If we can't get in touch with the owner(s) within a few hours, we'll unfortunately have to dispose of them.
Wild animals
We aim to collect dead wild animals within two hours if we can access the area safely to remove the animal.
Urban foxes
For information about controlling foxes, what to do if you find an injured fox or abandoned cubs and how to remove or deter foxes, see the WRAS website foxes information.
Farm animals
"Livestock” such as sheep and cattle are dealt with by East Sussex County Council (ESCC) on behalf of Brighton and Hove City Council.
They will contact the farmer who leases the land and is responsible for the animal. There are special regulations for disposing of dead livestock.
If you are worried about an animal
If you have serious concerns about the welfare of farm animals, please contact the ESCC duty team.
If you are concerned about the welfare other animals, including pets, please contact the RSPCA.
Find out what to do if you think your pet is lost.