1. Remove unauthorised tagging and flyposting promptly
1.1 Increase staff resource to remove unauthorised tagging from 4 to 10 FTE.
1.2 Invest in 2 new jetwash vehicles and a new crew van to facilitate faster removal of tagging.
1.3 Develop and cost a ‘whole area approach’ to tagging removal – removing from all property and recharging statutory undertakers and big businesses if they fail to remove it themselves.
1.4 Develop and cost a ‘central tagging free zone’.
1.5 Use one off funding in 2024 to clean up the ‘central zone’ including removal of hard-to-reach tagging.
1.6 Develop a pipeline of projects with probation to enable offenders to paint out tagging in suitable areas such as parks and housing. estates.
1.7 Promote and invest in community unauthorised tagging clean up events.
1.8 Work with statutory undertakers to remove obsolescent street furniture that attracts illegal tagging.
1.9 Improve reporting channels for staff and for members of the public to enable swift tagging removal.
1.10 Develop chargeable tagging removal service.
1.11 Engage with Statutory Undertakers to develop SLAs where possible to avoid enforcement and enable repaint and recharge agreements.
1.12 Explore the use of preventative paints and coatings for flyposting and tagging prevention.
1.13 Write to small businesses to encourage them to remove tagging promptly from their property.
2. Enforce against unauthorised tagging
2.1 Minimise the notice period to big businesses and statutory undertakers to removal and recharge to 28 days.
2.2 Introduce a new approach to keep empty properties tag free, to include notification at the time of vacation that the maintenance of the premises is the responsibility of the owner until a new occupant is in place.
2.3 Ensure a minimum of one full time equivalent staff focuses on enforcement against statutory undertakers and big businesses who fail to remove unsightly unauthorised tagging.
2.4 Develop and cost the business case for increasing mobile CCTV.
2.5 Increase joint operations with the police.
2.6 Use communication channels to help identify adult perpetrators of unauthorised tagging and to communicate successful prosecutions.
2.7 Undertake work with vendors to ensure sales of graffiti spray are made to adults only in line with legislation.
2.8 Provide improved and more nuanced guidance to Environmental Enforcement Officers on when not to enforce against tagging vs street art.
3. Prevent unauthorised tagging and facilitate street art
3.1 Ensure that the distinction between street art and unauthorised tagging is explained and maintained with a focus on permission of the property owner.
3.2 Establish a working group to explore appropriate mechanisms to encourage and promote the role and contribution of street art in the city.
3.3 Explore the options for identifying sites for street art and mechanisms to manage sites.
3.4 Develop guidance for private wall owners and street artists.
3.5 Hold an engagement event with street artists to identify what they would want to express their creativity.
3.6 Identify mechanisms for street artists and youth centred organisations to engage with schools and universities to foster creativity whilst avoiding illegal and anti-social tagging.
3.7 Work with Community Art Services to work and provide guidance to communities to create and care for their own murals in their communities.
3.8 Provide clarity to street artists and businesses on where enforcement action might be taken.
3.9 Promote a scheme for street artists and businesses to work together to mural shutters.