Garden waste collections
You can order an extra wheelie bin for your garden waste, which we'll collect from your home every 2 weeks.
Garden waste collections cost £94 a year, and we'll deliver your bin within 2 weeks of your collections starting.
For £94 you'll get:
- a 240 litre garden waste bin, the same size as our large rubbish bins
- your garden waste collected every 2 weeks, for one year
- a calendar with your garden waste collection dates for the year
You can have up to 3 garden waste bins in total, at the cost of £94 per extra bin.
You can check what you can put in your garden waste bin.
Sign up for garden waste collections
Use our online form to sign-up for garden waste collections
We'll get in touch to let you know when you can activate your collections.
Activate your collections
After you've joined the waiting list, we'll send you an email with a link to your activation form. Your collections will start after you've filled this in.
If you didn't provide an email address, we'll send you a letter with an activation code instead.
You can then use your code to activate your garden waste collections.
Renew your collections
When your collections period is nearly finished, we'll send you a renewal email with a link to your renewal form.
If you didn't provide an email address, we'll send you a letter with a renewal code.
If you want to get collections for another year, you can use your code to renew your collections and pay another £94.
If you don't want to renew, you can leave your bin by the kerb, in front of your property, and we'll come to get it.