Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD)
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) are intended to provide detailed guidance on how planning policy will be implemented.
SPDs under preparation
To stay up to date with forthcoming consultations on SPDs, join our mailing list.
Eastern Seafront Masterplan SPD
The preparation of a masterplan for the Eastern Seafront will help support high-quality, innovative regeneration of the seafront through improving access, activation of the seafront, coherent placemaking, environmental enhancement and protection of the world class heritage assets. Public consultation expected early 2022.
Adopted SPDs
Hove Station Area SPD
Current Status
The SPD was approved for adoption by members of Tourism Equalities , Communities and Culture Committee on 16 September 2021.
The SPD requires some minor factual updates and finalisation of two diagrams.
Read the Supplementary Planning Document 18 - Hove Station Masterplan
Find out more about the Hove Station Area
Biodiversity and Nature Conservation SPD
Current Status
We have updated the Nature Conservation and Development SPD11. We adopted the policy in 2010, the update makes sure it reflects local and national planning policy. This includes any known forthcoming requirements of the Environment Act.
We carried out a public consultation on the draft SPD between February and March 2022. The Tourism, Equalities, Communities and Culture Committee approved the final version of the SPD on 16 June 2022.
The new Biodiversity and Nature Conservation SPD11 is now available for use. It includes a new Biodiversity Checklist. Please note that this checklist will become a validation requirement for relevant applications from November 2022. We've produced new guidance for completing the householder checklist. Full planning applications that pay the householder fee should also follow this guidance.
The following SPDs have been formally adopted following public consultation. They are material considerations that we take into account when determining a planning application.
- SPD01 - Brighton Centre: Area Planning and Urban Design Framework
- SPD02 - Shop Front Design
- SPD03 - Construction and Demolition Waste
- SPD05 - Circus Street Municipal Market Site
- SPD06 - Trees and Development Sites
- SPD07 - Advertisements
- SPD09 - Architectural Features
- SPD10 - London Road Central Masterplan
- SPD11 - Biodiversity and Nature Conservation
- SPD12 - Design Guide for Extensions and Alterations
- SPD13 - Shoreham Harbour Flood Risk Management Guide
- SPD14 - Parking Standards
- SPD15 - Toad's Hole Valley
- SPD16 - Sustainable Drainage
- SPD17 - Urban Design Framework
- SPD 18 - Hove Station Masterplan