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The following indicators are taken from Annex 1 Implementation & Monitoring of the Submission City Plan Part 1 (Proposed Modifications).
Strategic objectives: SO1, SO3, SO5, SO7, SO8, SO9, SO11, SO12, SO13, SO16, SO17, SO18, SO23
By 2018 development has commenced that will secure:
(source: planning)
No planning application was submitted in 2021.
Action: the city has long sought a replacement for the Brighton Conference Centre. Since the signing of a Conditional Land Acquisition Agreement in April 2019 Aberdeen Standard Investments (ASI) (joint landowner of Churchill Square Shopping Centre and other surrounding landholdings), has been revisiting opportunities available on the central site for a redeveloped conference centre.
Strategic objectives: SO1, SO2, SO3, SO4, SO7, SO8, SO9, SO10, SO11, SO12, SO13, SO17, SO18, SO19, SO21, SO22
Development to include by 2030:
Inner Harbour
(source: planning)
To be provided during the 11 to 16-year supply period. (source: planning)
Planning application BH2021/04167 was received on 24 November 2021 and amended in November 2022 for comprehensive mixed-use redevelopment including 2,742 sqm GIA use class E and 565 residential units. Under consideration.
Black Rock
(source: planning)
No masterplan 2021.
Action: following the unsuccessful council bid for government funding the council is discussing with landowners the potential for master planning/design codes.
The Eastern Seafront Masterplan SPD which includes Black Rock is under preparation and will provide landscaping/ public realm guidance to support and enhance ecology in the area. Early stakeholder consultation took place in late 2021/early 2022.
Strategic Objectives: SO1, SO2, SO3, SO4, SO7, SO8, SO9, SO10, SO11, SO12, SO15, SO18, SO19, SO20, SO21, SO22, SO23
Preston Barracks site:
Woollards Field South
Ambulance Make Ready Centre (MRC) completed 2019/20 - an alternative employment-generating development that helps meet the city’s infrastructure needs (application BH2014/00310)
Ensure that the annual mean concentrations (µg/m³) of NO2 decrease towards the target of 36µg/m³ at Lewes Road continuous analyser.
Required to meet the 40 µg/m3 level annual legal limit under the English Air Quality Strategy and EU directive. Aiming for 90% of the legal limit to be beyond all reasonable doubt. (source: Interplan)
Strategic objectives: SO1, SO2, SO3, SO4, SO7. SO8, SO9, SO10, SO11, SO12, SO13, SO16, SO18, SO19, SO20, SO21, SO22, SO23
1128 additional net dwellings:
Net gain 20,000 sqm B1 floorspace:
By 2014 to 2019:
By 2019 to 2024:
Trigger: current office schemes with unimplemented planning permission not started by 2016
Refer to CP1
Health check carried out 2021/2022 only within Primary Frontage through revised Article 4 Direction work.
Action: health check scheduled for 2023/24 as part of CPP1 Review.
Implementation of public realm improvements throughout the plan period in accordance with the SPD Implementation Plan:
Ensure that the annual mean concentrations (µg/m³) of NO2 decrease at London Road monitoring sites (currently using C18 and C19, C20 and C23 Diffusion Tube Results).
Strategic Objectives: SO1, SO2, SO3, SO4, SO7, SO8, SO9, SO10, SO11, SO12, SO19, SO20, SO21, SO22, SO23
Royal Sussex County Hospital
74,000 sqm hospital floorspace to be completed by 2019 (source: planning).
Planning permission was granted in January 2012 (see app BH2011/02886) with 5 years to implement.
Edward Street Quarter:
Circus Street:
To be completed by 2019 (source: planning).
Application BH2013/03461:
Freshfield Road Business Park and Gala Bingo Hall
Comprehensive site redevelopment, to include:
To be completed by 2024 (source: planning).
No application 2021/22.
A final planning brief was approved in September 2013.
Strategic Objectives: SO1, SO2, SO3, SO4, SO6, SO7, SO8, SO9, SO10, SO11, SO12, SO13, SO16, SO19, SO20. SO22, SO23
Development to include by 2030:
Hove Station Area Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document adopted September 2021.
Strategic Objectives: SO1, SO2, SO3, SO4, SO7, SO8, SO9, SO10, SO11, SO12, SO13, SO14, SO15, SO19, SO20. SO22, SO23
By the end of 2014 (source: planning).
Toads Hole Valley SPD adopted September 2017.
Development to include by 2020:
Outline application BH2018/03633 Land At King George VI Avenue (Toads Hole Valley) Hove – received December 2018 (and duplicate Outline application BH2022/00203 received January 2022)
100% of new development on site (source: planning).
BH2018/03633 and BH2022/00203 are still under consideration.
Spatial Objectives: SO1, SO2, SO3, SO4, SO6, SO7, SO8, SO9, SO10, SO11, SO12, SO13, SO16, SO17, SO18, SO19, SO20, SO21, SO22, SO23
By 2016 (source: planning).
Shoreham Harbour JAAP was adopted in 2019.
Development to include by 2030 and after approximately:
Detail to be included within Joint Area Action Plan (source: planning).
Strategic objectives: SO1, SO3, SO5, SO8, SO10, SO11, SO12, SO13, SO15, SO16, SO17, SO22, SO23
By 2018 development has commenced that will secure:
The preferred development partner withdrew from the King Alfred development 2019.
Action: following the withdrawal of the council’s preferred developer in August 2019, the council has restated its commitment to delivering housing-led redevelopment on the site, but now considers that relocating the sports facilities elsewhere within the city will be necessary in order to bring forward a financially viable scheme.
The process of establishing a new project began in early 2020 and includes consideration of alternative sites in the west of the city on which to deliver the sports centre.
The delivery of housing will remain central to any future redevelopment proposals.
To see a net increase in natural habitat and Local BAP habitats and species located on the seafront over the plan period (source: Planning, Parks, and Green Spaces).
No data is available.
Updated trigger and target 2014/15:
Strategic Objectives: SO2, SO3, SO5, SO9, SO12, SO13, SO16, SO18, SO22, SO23
Annual reduction in anti-social behaviour and violent crime.
Total crime in Regency Ward: 5,235 instances in 2011/12
Violence against the Person in Regency Ward: 930 instances in 2011/12 (source: Partnership Community Safety Team).
Triggers and actions are set out in the Community Safety, Crime Reduction and Drugs Strategy 2011 to 14, which is annually updated and sets out priorities, and describes how priorities will be achieved.
Regency Ward:
Completion of an identified programme of urban realm improvement - Station Gateway Project - by 2016 and ongoing (source: Local Transport Plan 3).
Public realm improvements priorities and phasing and progress reviewed through LTP reviews.
The Station Gateway Project was completed in July 2015.
Action: health check scheduled for 2021/2022.
Strategic objectives: SO10, SO11, SO12, SO13, SO15, SO16, SO17, SO20, SO22, SO23
Works on phases 1 and 2 completed in September 2020.
Public consultation on phase 3 took place in 2020 and the final detailed design scheme will be presented at Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee on 18 January 2022.
Completion by 2013 (source: planning).
The landscaping scheme has been completed.
Monitor across the plan period - baseline at 2009/2010: 6 buildings (source: planning).
2 Buildings at Risk in Valley Gardens area 2021 (Historic England - Heritage at Risk Register 2022).
Strategic objectives: SO9, SO10, SO13, SO14, SO15, SO17, SO23
0 (2020/21) with regard to flood risk/water quality within the SA4 area.
No data is available.
To see a net increase in Local BAP habitats and species located within the urban fringe over the plan period (source: Planning, Parks and Green Spaces).
Strategic objectives: SO10, SO14, SO15, SO17, SO22, SO23
Trigger: application granted contrary to an objection from SDNPA.
No data is available.
Strategic objectives: SO2, SO3, SO4, SO7, SO8, SO9, SO10. SO11, SO12, SO13, SO15, SO16, SO17, SO18, SO19, SO20, SO21, SO22, SO23
Trigger: no decline by 2017
Number and percentage of children living in low-income families:
Percentage of children living in poverty:
Targets to be:
Targets for waste recycling and recovery are transposed from the adopted East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Plan (WMP). Should they not be met, actions will be taken through the monitoring and implementation framework of the WMP.
2020/2021: rest - energy recovery 71%, landfill 2% (ESCC)
Action: the targets in the WMP relate to the Plan Area of East Sussex and Brighton & Hove. No specific triggers and actions are identified in the WMP.
Strategic objectives: SO4, SO9, SO12, SO19, SO20
Average annual housing completions over a 3-year period to comply with the delivery rates outlined in HIS delivery framework (source: single data list).
Trigger: annual completions over a 3-year period fall below anticipated delivery rates outlined in HIS by more than 15%.
Trigger: lack of a 5-Year Supply for 2 consecutive years.
Note: CPP1 reached 5 years since adoption on 24 March 2021. National planning policy requires that local housing need is now calculated using the Government’s standard method in place of the CPP1 housing requirement.
The local housing needs using the standard method is 1,712 homes per year which increases to 2,311 homes per year when a 35% uplift is applied as one of the top 20 cities in the urban centre's list.
Action: housing trajectory reviewed annually through SHLAA. The housing Delivery Action Plan identifies council actions to accelerate housing delivery.
Shortfalls against identified local housing needs will need to be addressed through a review of CPP1 commencing in 2022.
Strategic objectives: SO1, SO2, SO3, SO6, SO7, SO9, SO13, SO20, SO21
Review annually (source: corporate plan).
For monitoring only (no trigger or action necessary).
Growth in the number of CDIT (Creative, Digital media, IT) business employees:
Review annually (source: corporate plan).
For monitoring only (no trigger or action necessary).
No data is available.
Review annually (source: corporate plan).
For monitoring only (no trigger or action necessary).
No data is available.
Uptake of voucher scheme by 1,000 SMEs by 2015 (source: city regeneration).
Trigger: voucher scheme not taken up by at least 500 SMEs by end of 2014
The extended Voucher Connection scheme opened in April 2015.
Extended voucher scheme - 601 vouchers (against a total target of 300) and 482 connections made (October 2015).
Achieve a minimum 20% target for local employment and apprenticeship training on development sites across the plan period (source: planning).
Strategic objectives: SO1, SO2, SO3, SO9, SO13, SO20, SO21
Average annual employment floorspace completions over a 3-year period to comply with the average annual delivery rates outlined in the Employment Land Supply Trajectory (source: planning).
Trigger: average annual completions over a 3-year period falls below anticipated delivery rates outlined in Employment Land Supply Trajectory by more than 15%.
(Brighton & Hove City Council 2020/2021)
Strategic objectives: SO3, SO5, SO18
Review at least every 5 years across the plan period (source: planning).
Regional Centre health check:
Action: health check scheduled for 2023/2024 as part of CPP1 review.
Strategic objectives: SO6, SO9, SO10, SO11, SO12, SO15
Annual improvement target:
Strategic objectives: SO3, SO5, SO13
Commence operation of the scheme by 2016 (source: VisitBrighton).
Trigger: no significant interest from city hoteliers in joining the apprenticeship scheme by 2015.
2 hotels pledged apprenticeships under Greater Brighton Employer Skills Task Force 1,000 apprenticeships challenge.
A net overall increase in hotel provision of just over 350 bedrooms (11%) Since 2006 (Brighton & Hove City Council Visitor Accommodation Study Update 2018).
Loss of 9 hotel bedrooms (2021/22).
Action: review of Hotel Future Study published 2018 (Brighton & Hove City Council Visitor Accommodation Study Update 2018)
Strategic objectives: SO1, SO4, SO11, SO13, SO20, SO21
Progress and determine the adoption of CIL post-2014 (source: planning).
Trigger: no decision was made regarding adopting CIL prior to drafting City Plan Part 2.
The charging schedule was adopted, and implementation of CIL commenced in September 2020.
Trigger: developer contributions not forthcoming following implementation of development.
100% compliance is achieved where appropriate contributions are secured.
Ongoing monitoring and annual review, and update throughout the plan period.
Strategic objectives: SO4, SO7, SO10, SO22
Trigger: annual percentage of developments that meet targets fall below 70%.
74% of new build applications and 50% of net units were approved to achieve code for Sustainable Homes Level 3 or above or a reduction in carbon emissions of 19% against 2013 Part L Building Regulations requirements 2021/22.
To be monitored annually throughout the plan period.
Targets for new dwellings (to be met by 2017):
74% of new build applications and 50% of net units were approved to achieve code for Sustainable Homes Level 3 or above or a reduction in carbon emissions of 19% against 2013 Part L Building Regulations requirements 2021/22.
Strategic objectives: SO1, SO3, SO11, SO14
Delivery of improvements by 2024, dependent on funding and democratic approval (A259 Seafront and London Road schemes) (source: Planning and Local Highway Authority).
Lewes Road
Works already commenced and are due for completion in 2013. No trigger or action is necessary.
Edward Street
Seafront, London Road
Long-term targets and progress to be reviewed in 2020 AMR. Appropriate trigger/action to be added.
Average increase of 800,000 passenger journeys per year (annual check based on 5-year average) (source: Brighton & Hove City Council).
(DfT Bus statistics data tables)
Action: the council is developing a fifth Local Transport Plan (LTP5) for Brighton & Hove which will set out the outcomes and priorities for transport and travel across the city to 2030.
(This indicator is to be reviewed following the adoption of the revised Air Quality Action Plan in 2014).
(DBEIS: UK local authority and regional estimates of greenhouse gas emissions)
Strategic objectives: SO1, SO10, SO14, SO15
Target: zero – unless appropriately mitigated (source: planning).
Trigger: target not met for 3 consecutive years.
0m² net created 2021/22 (sustainability checklist).
All development proposals to deliver a net increase in biodiversity in accordance with the requirements of the Nature Conservation and Development SPD and Biodiversity Action Plan by 2030 (source: planning).
Trigger: annual net decrease in biodiversity for 3 consecutive years.
No data is available.
Strategic objectives: SO1, SO8, SO9, SO17
Update at least every 5 years across the plan period (source: planning).
Last update 2018.
The number of planning permissions granted contrary to the advice of the Environment Agency on flood defence grounds.
No planning permissions granted; to be monitored annually across the plan period (source: single data list)
0 (EA Objections List 2021/2022).
Adoption by 2015 and reviewed regularly throughout the plan period (source: planning).
Surface Water Management Plan published April 2014.
Strategic objectives: SO4, SO9, SO12, SO16, SO23
Adoption by 2017 (source: planning).
SPD17 Urban Design Framework adopted in 2021.
Annual target of 70% appeals dismissed where urban design and Policy CP2 are principal issues (source: planning).
Strategic objectives: SO12, SO13, SO16, SO22, SO23
Strategic objectives: SO1, SO4, SO9
Trigger: target not achieved annually.
Strategic objectives: SO6, SO9, SO10, SO11, SO12, SO15
100% coverage of conservation area appraisals by 2020 (source: planning).
100% coverage achieved.
New Local List adopted by 2014 (source: planning).
Strategic objectives: SO10, SO13, SO15, SO23
Target: 0 – unless appropriately mitigated (source: planning).
Trigger: target not met for 3 consecutive years
47,880m² open space lost 2021/22 (sustainability checklist).
35,419m² net open space created 2021/22 (sustainability checklist).
Strategic objectives: SO15, SO20, SO22
Target: 0 – unless appropriately mitigated (source: planning).
Trigger: target not met for 3 consecutive years.
£0 secured for recreation, including sports facilities (Brighton & Hove City Council IFS 2020/2021).
Strategic objectives: SO20, SO22, SO23
At least every 5 years across the plan period (source: planning).
Health and Equalities Impact Assessment Published with City Plan with addendums at each different stage of City Plan Part 2 Preparation.
Adoption by 2016 (source: planning).
Action: The City Plan Part 2 was adopted in October 2022.
HIA submitted 100% of strategic developments in the city over the plan period (source: planning).
No new developments approved on Strategic Sites 2021/22.
Strategic objectives: SO4, SO9, SO12, SO19, SO20
Secure appropriate policies and site allocations for different housing types to meet the range of accommodation needs in Part 2 of the City Plan (source: planning).
Trigger: City Plan Part 2 not adopted by 2017.
Action: The City Plan Part 2 was adopted in October 2022.
To see an increase in the proportion of family-sized units over the first 5 years of the plan (source: planning).
Trigger: target not met in year 4 of the monitoring period.
3+ beds in previous years:
Strategic objectives: SO1, SO4, SO9, SO11, SO19, SO20
To achieve approximately 30% of all housing delivery as affordable housing (source: planning).
Trigger: affordable housing delivery across a 3 to 5-year period falls below 30 percent.
To broadly achieve the unit size mix indicated in policy CP20 over a 5-year period.
Trigger: affordable housing unit size mix falls below citywide preferred unit size mix across a 5-year period.
Affordable housing contributions secured by completion of agreement:
Strategic objectives: SO4, SO11, SO19, SO21
Completion of commenced allocations by 2014:
By 2018 development has commenced that will secure the following sites:
Action: no action regarding the Pelham Street Site as the college’s aspirations for site and funding sources altered since the preparation of CPP1 and supply subsequently realised from alternative sites.
No appeals allowed (source: planning).
Trigger: over 25% appeals allowed annually.
No appeals allowed (source: planning).
Trigger: over 25% of appeals allowed annually
Strategic objectives: SO1, SO4, SO19, SO20
Review traveller accommodation needs assessment to inform longer-term pitch requirements (post 2019) for the city (source: Housing & Social Inclusion and Planning).
Trigger: needs assessment update not completed by October 2014.
Trigger: sufficient pitches are not in the development pipeline by 2017.
Monitoring against the Sustainability Appraisal Framework as published in City Plan Part 1 Sustainability Appraisal Adoption Statement
(Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre) (Brighton & Hove City Council)
No change in 2021/22 from the previous monitoring year.
(Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre 2022)
East Sussex
The overall condition remains unchanged compared to the previous year.
Area of habitat in Brighton & Hove infringed by planning applications: 0.
Area of habitat in Brighton and Hove (ha) as a percentage:
(Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre)
No national targets as such.
Area of habitat in Brighton & Hove infringed by planning applications:
(Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre)
The overall condition remains unchanged compared to the previous year.
38 percent of local sites were in positive conservation management (2021/22) (Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre).
No data for 2019/20 or 2020/21 due to restrictions relating to the COVID-19 pandemic (DEFRA 2022).
A reduction in the proportion of sites in positive management since 2018/19.
There are 6 AQMAs in the city declared in 2020 covering a smaller area than the AQMA declared in 2013 (Brighton & Hove City Council Environmental Health).
The AQMA 2013 was replaced by 6 AQMAs in 2020 which, overall are smaller than the 2013 AQMA.
(Brighton & Hove City Council Environmental Health)
Lewes Road:
London Road:
All selected sites are below 30 μg/m³ in 2021. Other sites are more than 40 μg/m³ as reported in the air quality Annual Status Report on air quality.
480 buildings are graded 1 and 2
(Historic England – Heritage at Risk Register 2022) (BHCC)
The percentage of Listed Buildings is more than double the national average (6%).
Target: to improve performance over time.
-12,525m² net loss open space 2021/22 (sustainability checklist).
No national targets as such.
Comparison to previous years:
A significant decrease compared to previous monitoring years.
There are 33 bus routes that run from Brighton & Hove covering access to various points and towns in the Downs (Brighton & Hove City Council Transport Team).
Not applicable.
No measurable trend as such.
No national targets as such.
Environmental Stewardship (ES) is now closed to new applicants and has been replaced by Countryside Stewardship. Existing agreements will still be managed until they reach their agreed end date.
1073 (2021/22) (Brighton & Hove City Council).
Target: remaining implied annual delivery rate required to meet the plan target is 909 dwellings per year for the period 2022-2030.
Increase on 2020/21 and the highest recorded net additional housing completions.
CPP Target: 30% of all housing delivery as affordable housing.
The amount delivered has increased since the last monitoring years and exceeds the affordable housing target.
No significant long-term trend, although the situation improved in 2021.
6.7% of households are considered to be suffering from overcrowding (8,168 households).
Not comparable with the 2011 Census, however, this figure is higher than the Southeast average of 3.8%.
Data is not available for 2021/2022.
0.86 (Census 2011).
Decreased slightly.
Outer Cordon:
City Centre Cordon:
(Brighton & Hove City Council Transport)
Outer Cordon:
City Centre Cordon:
(Brighton & Hove City Council Transport)
An increase in average daily traffic flow at all selected sites (excluding site 620 where no data is available).
(Brighton & Hove City Council Transport)
(Brighton & Hove City Council Transport)
44% of new build residential and PDSA development, approved through a full planning application and completed 2021/22 provided cycle parking creating 1,420 spaces.
88% new build residential and PDSA development approved through a full planning application and completed in 2020/21: providing a total of 1,507 spaces.
12% of new build residential development, approved through a full planning application, and completed 2021/22 included car-free units, totalling 255 car-free units.
32% new build residential development approved through a full planning application and completed 2020/21 included car-free units: a total of 97 car-free units.
Brighton & Hove:
Greenhouse gas emissions from transport, per capita, steadily reducing.
2019 Brighton Chalk Block:
(Environment Agency)
Aiming to reach ‘good’ chemical status by 2027 (extended deadline).
Chemical status reduced to poor since 2013 (was good from 2009 to 2012).
(Environment Agency)
Stable in recent years. All monitoring locations have an excellent standard.
23% new build residential development approved through a full planning application and completed in 2020/2021. All within development.
Since April 2014, the planning application process has been responsible for the implementation of SUDS.
Southern Water has a target to reduce average water consumption to 133l/day/person by 2020.
Generally decreasing over time, therefore situation improving.
No new data available since 2015/2016.
74% new build residential approvals 2021/22 achieving water standards 110 litres/person/day (sustainability checklist).
A decrease since the previous monitoring year.
2021/2022: there are at least 2805 prioritised sites under Part 2 A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
No change.
2021/22: 0 (Environment Agency).
There were no objections on flood risk grounds in 2020/21.
No change.
2021/2022 - £166,760 secured for the Local Employment Scheme.
This has decreased since the last monitoring period.
Net out-commuting increased since the last Census.
2020: £30,163 (Office for National Statistics; Gross Value Added (balanced) per head of population at current basic prices).
Lower than the regional average, but higher than the national average.
2021/2022: employment rate - aged 16 to 64: 77.2% (NOMIS 2022).
Previous years Brighton & Hove:
An increase since the last monitoring year.
2018 to 2020
Public Health England LA Health Profile
New reports are not available from April 2021.
(a) males:
(b) females:
No new data is available for 2021/22.
Year 6 children: 14.8% (2019/20) (Public Health England LA Health Profile).
New reports are not available from April 2021.
Targets in line with previous NHS vital signs strategy: 11/12 – Year 6: 20.0%
No new data is available for 2021/22.
Percentage of physically active adults 2019/2020: 71.9% (Public Health England LA Health Profile)
New reports are not available from April 2021.
No new data is available for 2021/2022.
21% in 2019 (percentage of the super output areas in the 20% most deprived super output areas in the country (health domain) (35 of 165 LSOAs) (IMD2019)
22% in 2015 (percentage of the super output areas in the 20% most deprived super output areas in the country (health domain))
2021/22 - 27,531 (Brighton & Hove City Council Community Safety & Public Health).
Police-recorded crime increased between 2013/14 and 2020/21 (partly linked to improved recording towards the beginning of this period.
There was a sharp drop in 2020/21 linked to COVID-19 restrictions, but in the latest year recorded crimes rebounded, although not back to the 2019/20 level.
2018 to 2020 54.5 (Public Health England Health Profiles, Department for Transport).
New reports are not available from April 2021.
Brighton & Hove:
No new data is available for 2021/22.
17.6% (2019) (IMD2015: the percentage of the population living in neighbourhoods classified as the 20% most deprived areas in England divided by the total population)
12.3% (2019) (IMD 2019: the proportion of the population living in income-deprived households derived from the published ‘average score’ statistics for the Income Deprivation Domain)
Brighton & Hove in previous years:
2022: 3.8% (including not known) (source: Department for Education - NEET and participation LA scorecard).
Brighton & Hove:
A reduction since the previous monitoring year.
2020/2021: 8.2% (MHCLG).
2019/2020: 0.0 percent.
2021/22: 93.6% gross (Brighton & Hove City Council 2022).
2021/2022: 100% (Brighton & Hove City Council 2022).
2021/2022; 8% residential (gross); 0% employment; 0% remaining non-residential net (Brighton & Hove City Council 2022).
Per capita domestic CO2 emissions:
Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) target reductions in city CO2 ‘direct’ emissions from the 2005 baseline:
Overall, emissions are decreasing over time per capita emitted from domestic sources of energy.
(BEIS 2021)
(BEIS 2021)
Reduction in commercial gas consumption and a slight increase in electricity consumption from the previous year - likely due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
74% new build residential approvals 2021/22 achieving a 19% reduction in carbon emissions (sustainability checklist).
39% new build residential approvals 2021/22 with proposing LZC technologies (sustainability checklist).
National target: 15% of energy to be generated from renewable sources by 2020 (DECC).
14% of new build residential completions in 2021/22 incorporated green walls or roofs (sustainability checklist).
100% non-residential new development completed in 2021/22 approved to standards required by Brighton & Hove City Council.
567kg (2020/21) (DEFRA 2020/21).
No updated data is available for 2021/22.
(ESCC 2022)
Recycling and composting rates appear static with a slight increase in composting and energy recovery rates remaining the same.
74% of residential applications approved in 2021/22 with space for storage of recyclable materials proposed (sustainability checklist).
The following indicators are taken from Sustainability Appraisals of Supplementary Planning Documents.
Latest data: 518.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: the pilasters, the fascia, the stall riser, the shop window and the entrance.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Approvals | Refused | Total of all applications submitted | |
Alterations to shop fronts | 14 | 7 | 21 |
New shop fronts | 13 | 1 | 14 |
Replacement shop fronts | 9 | 0 | 9 |
Loss of shop front | 2 | 2 | 4 |
Total | 38 | 10 | 48 |
Percentage of total shop front applications | 80 | 20 | 100 |
2% of residential applications approved 2021/22 showing intention to submit SWMP.
Data date: 2021/22.
Application stage: see appendices 2014/2015 AMR.
Completion stage: see appendices 2019/2020 AMR.
Latest data: 6.
Data date: 2016/2017.
Data date: 2016/2017.
Latest data: 92.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: 87 approved, 12 refused, 1 split decision.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: data not available.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: data not available.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: 0.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: 15%; 5 of the 34 conservation areas in the city are currently included on the Historic England ‘at risk’ register.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: 7 (BH2014/01943).
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest Data: 0.
Data date: 2021/2022.
No change unless stated.
Latest data:
Data date: 2020/2021.
Latest data: 0.
Data date: 2020/2021.
Latest data: 9 (only recorded within primary frontage).
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: 0.
Data date: 2020/2021.
Latest data:
Trend: all reduced from 2020 to 2021 (apart from an increase at C19).
Data date: 2021.
Latest data:
Data date: 2021/2022.
Trend: increase in traffic flow compared to previous years at site 74 whereas sites 809 and 810 experienced a reduced flow.
Latest data: 4,087 (total crime) (2020/21: 3,577).
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: 26 (0 At Risk).
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: 20 percent (2 out of 10).
Data date: 2019.
Latest data: no new major developments.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: no new major developments.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: no new major developments.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: 50% in a favourable condition, 50% unfavourable - recovering.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Amount and type of open space classified in the Open Space, Sports and Recreation Study published in 2009/10 AMR:
Data date: 2021/2022.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Area of habitat in Brighton and Hove (ha) as a percentage:
Data date: 2021/22.
Data not available.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Designated site | Number | Percentage of area |
National park | 1 | 44 |
LNRs | 8 | 7 |
LWSs | 51 | 12 |
SSSIs | 2 | 2 |
SAC | 1 | 1 |
RIGS | 4 | - |
Data date: 2021/2022.
12% of new build residential completions 2021/22 indicating green roof to be included (sustainability checklist).
Data date: 2021/2022.
Areas protected are listed in 2010/11 AMR.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: 2% of completed new build residential applications in 2021/22 provided a net increase in on-site public green space (sustainability checklist).
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: 0.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: not applicable.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: not applicable.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: 0.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: 0.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: not applicable.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: not applicable.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: not applicable.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: not applicable.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: not applicable.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: not applicable.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: not applicable.
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data:
(DBEIS: UK local authority and regional estimates of greenhouse gas emissions).
Data date: 2021/2022.
Latest data: not applicable.
Data date: 2021/2022.
The Local Plan indicators are Local Output indicators which relate to policies in the Local Plan and were derived from the council’s Sustainability Strategy (2002).
These retained policies from the Local Plan are included in this monitoring year. However, upon adoption of City Plan Part 2 in October 2022, these policies have since been replaced and will therefore not be included in future Authority Monitoring Reports.
Indicator: 100% delivery of the proportion of affordable housing provision identified for sites in Policy HO1.
Data: no HO1 completions.
Year: 2021/2022.
Have targets met/improved since last year? not applicable.
Indicator: as part of the submission of planning applications, ensure that proposals include a sustainability statement.
Data: no approvals on Allocated Sites.
Year: 2021/2022.
Have targets met/improved since last year? not applicable.
Indicator: 100% of all new dwellings are designed to lifetime homes standard.
Data: all applications are required to be completed in compliance with Building Regulations Optional Requirement M4(2) (accessible and adaptable dwellings).
Year: 2020/2021.
Indicator: A proportion of all new dwellings on larger sites (or more than 10 new dwellings) should be designed to a wheelchair-accessible standard.
Data: 2021/22 – 33% full planning applications approved in the monitoring year, on sites of 10 units and over will be completed in compliance with Building Regulations Optional Requirement M4(3)(2b) to build 1 wheelchair user dwellings.
Year: 2021/2022.
Have targets met/improved since last year? no.
Indicator: draft ‘Protection and Integration of Nature Conservation Features in New Development’ Supplementary Planning Guidance by September 2004.
Data: The Biodiversity and Nature Conservation SPD was adopted in June 2022. Previous Nature Conservation and Development SPD was adopted on 25 March 2010.
Year: 2021/2022.
Have targets met/improved since last year? yes.
Indicator: bring identified vacant buildings/ sites back into use within 3 years (75%), and 5 years (90%). Restore the outward appearance of open land/ neglected buildings in historic areas, within 2 years (75%), and within 4 years (90%).
Data: 11 buildings on the current English Heritage 'At Risk' register.
Year: 2021/2022.
Have targets met/improved since last year? yes.
Indicator: The Conservation Strategy is to be reviewed every 3 years and 2 conservation area appraisals or re-appraisals are to be produced each year.
Data: there were no conservation areas de-designated, or parts of conservation areas de-designated in 2021/22.
Year: 2021/2022.
Have targets met/improved since last year? yes.