Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Plan
Learn more about the Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Plan.
Neighbourhood Plan Referendums
The Independent Examiners’ recommendations for changes to the Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Plan have been accepted by the Full Council Meeting of 24 October 2024.
Two local referendums (one for residents and one for businesses) will now be held on whether the plan should be adopted by the council. The plan will cover the period to 2030.
Get more information on the referendums.
The relevant documents published to support the referendums together with the city council’s decision on the Examiner’s modifications are below:
- Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Development Plan (Referendum Version)
- Examiner's Report (August 2024)
- Summary of external comments submitted to the examiner
- Summary of BHCC comments submitted to the examiner
- Basic Conditions and Compliance Statement
- Information Statement
Neighbourhood Plan Examination
Examiner’s report
On 15 August 2024, the city council and Marina Neighbourhood Forum received the Examiner’s Report for the Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Plan. It concludes that the Marina Neighbourhood Plan, subject to several recommended modifications, meets the Basic Conditions and can proceed to the two referendums (one for businesses and one for residents).
Brighton & Hove City Council will set out in a Decision Statement what action to take in response to each recommendation. This will be discussed at the next full council meeting on 24 October 2024 (the “prescribed date” agreed by the neighbourhood forum and the city council).
View a copy of the Examiner’s report.
Procedural matters and questions
On 28 May 2024, the Examiner for the Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Plan (Mr Derek Stebbing) wrote to the City Council and the Marina Forum setting out Procedural Matters and Questions.
A copy of this can be viewed below.
The Council and Neighbourhood Forum have until 21 June 2024 to respond.
View the Examiner Procedural Matters and Questions (28 May 2024).
Mr Derek Stebbing BA (Hons) DipEP MRTPI has been appointed as the examiner of the Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Plan. The examination will start on 20 May 2024.
We have submitted the draft plan, supporting documents and all responses received at the Regulation 16 stage to the appointed examiner.
You can view the:
- Submission Plan
- Basic Conditions Statement
- Consultation Statement
- Equalities Impact Assessment
- SEA Screening
- External Representations Received at Regulation 16 consultation (redacted)
- Council comments at Regulation 16 consultation
The examiner will now consider if the plan meets all the necessary statutory requirements.
Based on their report, we will then decide whether to put the neighbourhood plan to a referendum.
Due to its designation as a ‘business area’, Brighton Marina will be subject to 2 local referendums. One for businesses and one for residents.
If approved at referendum, the neighbourhood plan will be formally ‘made’. We will use the policies from it to help decide the outcome of planning applications in the area.
Regulation 16 Consultation
Brighton Marina Forum has prepared a Neighbourhood Plan and submitted this to the city council for examination.
The Neighbourhood Plan and associated documents were consulted on for 6 weeks from 5 February to 18 March 2024. This follows Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012 (as amended).
View submitted documents on the forum's website.
Regulation 14 Consultation
Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Forum has prepared a draft Neighbourhood Development Plan. This will set policies for development and create a shared vision for Brighton Marina.
The Forum commenced Regulation 14 consultation on the draft plan on 9 November 2022. Consultation ran until 4 January 2023.
You can see the full details in this notice. You can view the draft plan.
Please address any questions or enquiries to the neighbourhood forum. You can email
Further information is available on the forum’s website.
Application Approval November 2020
The Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Forum re-designation was approved on 3 November 2020.
The forum applied to the council to formally renew its designation in accordance with the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 the Localism Act 2011 and the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.
The neighbourhood area boundary remains identical to the original boundary that was designated in 2015. Renewal enables the Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Forum to continue to prepare the Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Plan for the area.
Consultation on the renewal of the Brighton Marina Forum Designation took place for a period of 6 weeks starting on 4 August 2020 and closing on 15 September 2020.
Find the Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Forum Renewal Notice November 2020.
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Brighton & Hove City Council has carried out a screening exercise to determine whether the Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Plan will require a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).
The screening exercise indicates that an SEA will not be required. This has been confirmed by consultation with the three statutory environmental consultees: Natural England, the Environment Agency and Historic England.
Read the Strategic Environmental Assessment
Brighton Marina Business Neighbourhood Forum documentation 2015
Brighton Marina Business Neighbourhood Forum submitted an application for a neighbourhood area and to have its forum formally designated. The neighbourhood area and forum applications were subject to public consultation between 2 October and 13 November 2014 and were reported to the 15 January 2015 Economic Development & Culture Committee. The decision to designate this neighbourhood area and forum was deferred in order to address issues raised over the area boundary and representation. These applications were subsequently determined at the 18 June 2015 Economic Development & Culture Committee.
(Please note: membership of the neighbourhood forum is open to all residents and workers within the designated neighbourhood area)
- Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Forum Constitution (PDF 324KB)
- Neighbourhood Forum Designation Decision Notice (PDF 59KB)
Brighton Marina Business Neighbourhood Area
Andrew Knight, Chair of Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Forum Steering Committee
Tel: 01273 628627
Brighton Marina area and forum application documents
These documents were submitted with the area application:
These documents were submitted with the forum application:
- Forum application form (PDF 1.25MB)
- Brighton Marina Forum Constitution (PDF 1.42MB)
- Plan of area which the Forum seeks to represent (PDF 701KB)
To overcome potential problems with viewing the area map the city council has produced a black and white plan (PDF 827KB).
Find out more about neighbourhood planning