The lists below show the information that needs to be submitted to the council when making an application that requires either prior approval or permission in principle.
Householder extensions requirements
You will need:
- a written description of the proposal
- a plan of the site, showing the proposed development - including the proposed extension clearly shown/hatched
- 3 measurements of proposed extension
- to pay the fee
You can provide existing and proposed floor/roof plans and existing and proposed elevations, but this is not a requirement.
Permission in Principle – Principle Stage
The requirements for a valid permission in principle application set out in Article 5D of the Town and Country Planning (Permission in Principle) Order 2017 (as amended).
The submission of a valid application for permission in principle requires:
(a) a completed application form
(b) a plan which identifies the land to which the application relates, drawn to an identified scale and showing the direction of North
(c) the correct application fee
Additional requirements may apply where compulsory pre-application consultation is required by virtue of section 61W(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
Change of use from office to residential
You will need:
- a written description of the proposal
- a plan of the site, showing the proposed development
- to pay the fee
You can provide existing and proposed floor/roof plans and existing and proposed elevations, but this is not a requirement.
Change of use from retail to residential
You will need:
- a written description of the proposal
- a plan of the site, showing the proposed development
- to pay the fee
You can provide existing and proposed floor/roof plans and existing and proposed elevations, but this is not a requirement.
Change of use from retail to restaurant
You will need:
- a written description of the proposal
- a plan of the site, showing the proposed development
- existing and proposed floor/roof plans if ventilation, extraction and refuse facilities are proposed
- existing and proposed elevations if ventilation, extraction and refuse facilities are proposed
- to pay the fee
Solar PV equipment on non-domestic building
You will need:
- a written description of the proposal
- a plan of the site, showing the proposed development
- existing and proposed floor/roof plans
- existing and proposed elevations
Change of use to school or nursery
You will need:
- a written description of the proposal
- a plan of the site, showing the proposed development
- to pay the fee
You can provide existing and proposed floor/roof plans and existing and proposed elevations, but this is not a requirement.
Change of use from agricultural building to flexible use
You will need:
- a written description of the proposal
- a plan of the site, showing the proposed development
- to pay the fee
You can provide existing and proposed floor/roof plans and existing and proposed elevations, but this is not a requirement.
Change of use agricultural building to school/nursery
You will need:
- a written description of the proposal
- a plan of the site, showing the proposed development
- to pay the fee
You can provide existing and proposed floor/roof plans and existing and proposed elevations, but this is not a requirement.
Change of use from agricultural building to residential
You will need:
- a written description of the proposal
- a plan of the site, showing the proposed development
- to pay the fee
You can provide existing and proposed floor/roof plans and existing and proposed elevations, but this is not a requirement.
Change of use from storage to residential
You will need:
- a written description of the proposal
- a plan of the site, showing the proposed development
- a statement setting out evidence to demonstrate that the building was used solely for storage or distribution centre on 19 March 2014 for a period of at least 4 years
- to pay the fee
You can provide existing and proposed floor/roof plans and existing and proposed elevations, but this is not a requirement.
Change of use from arcades/casinos to residential
You will need:
- a written description of the proposal
- a plan of the site, showing the proposed development
- existing and proposed floor/roof plan
- existing and proposed elevations
- a schedule or the information necessary to describe details of design
- to pay the fee
Erection of collection facility within curtilage of shop
You will need:
- a written description of the proposal
- a plan of the site, showing the proposed development
You can provide existing and proposed floor/roof plans and existing and proposed elevations, but this is not a requirement.
Temporary use of building/land for film making
You will need:
- a written description of the proposal
- a plan of the site, showing the proposed development
You can provide existing and proposed floor/roof plans and existing and proposed elevations, but this is not a requirement