The planning department's checklists for the different types of applications also apply to major applications. The checklists can be found on the Applications forms and checklists page.
In addition to the requirements laid out in the checklists, the following requirements also apply to major applications:
- for qualifying applications, a Health Impact Assessment (or statement for larger developments) as outlined in our guidance
- for relevant tall buildings, a fire statement in accordance with Planning Gateway
- provide a list of all submitted documents with the application, including a drawing schedule
- all documents and drawings must be clearly named and labelled with drawing numbers
For further details on submitting online applications please see the Required Standards for Online Applications page.
A major application consists of . . .
- ten (10) or more units of residential accommodation
- new commercial development of 1,000 square metres or more
- change of use of 1,000 square metres or more
- amendment or removal of a condition relating to a major development
- site area exceeding 0.5 hectares where it is not known how many dwellings are to be created
- development site area is 1 hectare or more
- departure from local plan
- development effecting public right of way
- waste development
- winning and working of minerals
If anything is not clear, please send an email to