What 5G is
5G is the fifth generation of mobile internet (5G).
It offers:
- much faster digital download and upload speeds
- wider coverage
- more stable connections than we have now
- greater capacity, allowing thousands of devices in a small area to connect at the same time
Find out more about 5G on the Ofcom website.
5G mast planning process
Permission to install 5G masts
The council, as a planning authority, must follow central government planning policy and decide each application for a new mast on its merits, where these can be taken into account.
However, masts and telecommunications equipment do not always need planning permission from the council.
Masts fall into 3 categories:
- permitted development - a blanket planning permission is granted through national legislation
- prior approval
- full planning permission
The government has introduced new rules to support the deployment of 5G and extend mobile coverage. These came into force on 4 April 2022.
New planning rules - April 2022
Changes to the law introduced by the government mean that telecoms operators can do the following under ‘permitted development’ rights - without council approval:
- alter or replace existing masts by increasing the height up to 25 metres high on unprotected land, or 20 metres on highway land
- increase existing mast heights to up to 25 metres (previously 20 metres) - prior approval or a planning application (depending on the location) is required for taller replacement masts
- increase existing mast heights in protected areas, or replace masts which exceed 20m in height, or where the mast is less than 1m in diameter, it would be increased by more than two thirds - or if 1m or more in diameter, would not exceed the existing diameter by more than half or 2m, whichever is greater
- replace or alter existing masts of up to 2 metres in diameter or 50% wider than the existing structure, whichever is greater
- install masts of up to 6 metres in height on roofs (above the maximum roof height) – outside of conservation areas
Where to find applications
You can view the details of applications and give comments on our planning register.
5G masts Permitted Development
Masts allowed as permitted development
Masts that are installed on buildings outside of Conservation Areas and are less than 6 metres in height (above the highest part of the building) do not require a full planning permission or prior approval. They have planning permission as ‘permitted development’.
In these cases, the developer must notify the council of its intention to install a mast, a description of the apparatus and the location it proposes to install it. They can install the mast after 28 days’ notice. During this period, the council can advise the developer of any conditions they wish the developer to comply with when they install the mast.
This is sometimes referred to as a ‘regulation 5 notification’ or ‘code notification’.
We publish a weekly list of planning applications. This includes notifications from telecoms companies of an installation of electronic communications apparatus and any ancillary equipment under Regulation 5 Permitted Development rules.
Code of Practice for Wireless Network Development in England
The Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport has published a Code of Practice for mobile network operators and wireless infrastructure providers. This gives guidance on how to carry out their roles and responsibilities when installing wireless network infrastructure.
The Code’s stated aim is to support the government’s objective of delivering high quality wireless infrastructure whilst balancing these needs with environmental considerations.
Section 84 of the guidance deals with pre-application consultation with local communities. This states that:
“For some applications, it may be appropriate for the operator to consult with local residents... Forms of community engagement which may be appropriate include:
- Consultation/Notification letter to local residents, communities and their representatives, including parish and town councils
- Site notice
- Key stakeholder briefing
- Leaflets”
We encourage operators to follow the Code of Practice on this.
5G masts Prior Approval
What prior approval is
Prior approval means that a developer has to seek approval from the local planning authority (the council) that particular parts of the development are acceptable before work can begin.
This applies to the installation, alteration or replacement of any electronic communications equipment (including upgrades to existing masts).
Under rules is set by government, council planners can only look at the siting and appearance of a mast when considering their decision on prior approval.
Our role is to weigh up the impact of the mast(s) on the local area, including heritage assets and green spaces, against the benefits.
The kinds of things that we can consider under siting include:
- the height in relation to surrounding land
- whether it is in a National Park or Conservation Area
- the structures or buildings
- how close it is to residential property
The sort of things we can consider under appearance include:
- materials
- colour
- design
- dimensions
- shape
More information about prior approval is available from GOV.UK.
Making decisions within the time limit
Where prior approval is required, if the council does not decide the application within 56 days of receiving it, the developer has deemed approval and the build of the mast can go ahead.
This tight timescale means it isn't possible for the planning committee to consider these applications.
So that approval isn’t given straight away by default, which is what the law says happens if a decision isn't made, the head of planning and council planning officers deal with these decisions.
5G masts Full Planning Permission
When masts need full planning permission
Masts will need full planning permission if they are over:
- 30 metres in height from ground level
- 15 metres in height on a building
But tighter restrictions apply in certain cases, such as on lower buildings and in Conservation Areas and Sites of Special Scientific Interest.
In most instances 5G technology allows for shorter and smaller masts that can be incorporated into existing street furniture (such as lamp posts). 5G masts are therefore less likely to need full planning permission.
Pre-application advice on siting masts and cabinets
Detailed pre-application advice
We have a paid pre-application service through which we would be able to provide a full, detailed response to an application. To find out more, go to our pre-application planning services page.
General advice
You should check the site’s proximity to any allocated areas or sites, schools and sensitive areas including Conservation Areas, Listed Buildings, the South Downs National Park and Archaeological Notification Areas via our online map.
Things applicants should note
- Site selection must include an evidenced analysis of existing buildings, as well as open sites, land and the possibility of site sharing. See paragraph 117 of the National Planning Policy Framework. If you do not supply sufficient evidence in accordance with paragraph 117 then the application is likely to be refused.
- You should check the planning register to see whether any developments have been sought or approved in the vicinity which may affect your proposal.
- If the proposed development is in close proximity to trees then we advise you to include an Arboricultural Impact Assessment as part of the application.
- The core development plan policies at Brighton & Hove are currently the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One and Part Two. Make sure to reference the most up to date policies in any justifications. If the development may be on or near land which features a designated constraint (Open Space/Local Nature Reserve for example) then ensure the proposal is assessed against the relevant policy.
- We do not accept amendments to Prior Approval applications. If your proposal requires amendment, you should withdraw and resubmit it.
- If the development is to be sited on a public highway, you must ensure any proposals (including both masts and associated cabinets) do not unacceptably obstruct existing pavement widths or interrupt pedestrian traffic.
- If the proposal is next to a heritage asset or a Listed Building as the visual impacts of the proposal upon the heritage asset will form an important element of the overall assessment.
- Always ensure that the proposal has considered siting and other camouflage (where appropriate) to minimise its impact upon the character of an area.
This information is not exhaustive. The full planning process will include, among other things, a more detailed appraisal, and input from residents and consultees.
Public health guidance
Under government guidelines, public health issues are not something we're allowed to consider in deciding applications.
Public Health England (PHE) provides expert advice on public health matters relating to mobile phone technology.
We've been working with PHE to get the latest information and guidance to understand whether there are any health risks for the public.
From the evidence, PHE says that the current exposure of radio waves to the general public is well within the international health-related guideline levels that the UK uses.
There is also no evidence that 5G causes damage to wildlife.
When adding 5G to an existing network or in a new area, exposure to radio waves is low because the mast installers must follow public exposure guidelines.
These guidelines written by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) have the support of:
- UK Government
- European Union
- World Health Organisation.
All UK mobile phone network operators must follow Public Health England guidance on 5G and applications for masts should include a certificate of ICNIRP compliance.
Councils have been told by ministers that they should not refuse planning applications for masts or base stations on health grounds where these meet the ICNIRP guidelines.
Find guidance on 5G technologies and health on the gov.uk website. There is also a government short guide to 5G Mobile technology.
Research and Innovation Fibre Ring
The Research and Innovation Fibre Ring (RIFR) was first proposed in the Coast to Capital Local Economic Partnership’s Strategic Economic Plan.
Many of Brighton & Hove’s small and medium digital businesses are in parts of the city that were poorly served by existing broadband. Many such firms were having to pay for expensive bespoke leased lines.
The RIFR project will lay new municipally controlled fibre-optic cables. They will link strategic digital sites within the city.
The project will also enable the provision of a new 5G testbed at the Brighton Dome and Corn Exchange. This will help local businesses understand how these technologies might operate in an arts and culture setting.
More information
You can find more information about the project on the Coast To Capital LEP website.