We’ve had an unexpected delay delivering visitor parking permits. If you need visitor parking permits, we recommend you apply for them as soon as you can to make sure you get them in time. We’re working to resolve this as fast as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Local List of Heritage Assets
Check if a building, park or garden is locally listed, further information about local listing and what this means
Review of the local list
A review of the Local List of Heritage Assets was completed in March 2023. This assessed nominations that have been put forward since the Local List was last comprehensively reviewed, as well as updating existing list entries where new information has come to light or where circumstances have changed.
22 items were added to the updated Local list, which was approved by the Tourism, Equalities, communities and Culture Committee on 9 March 2023.
We will undertake the next periodic review in 2028.
What a Locally Listed Heritage Asset is
A Locally Listed Heritage Asset is a building, park or garden considered to be of special interest, because of its local historic, architectural, design or townscape value.
A Locally Listed Building is not the same as a Listed Building. Listed Buildings are designated at a national level by Historic England, whereas Locally Listed Heritage Assets are designated at a local level by the council.
Brighton & Hove heritage assets map
Use our heritage assets map to find information about council-owned assets such as:
street furniture
clock towers
gates and railings
lamp posts
monuments and war memorials
telephone kiosks
parks and gardens
The map shows public structures and features identified in Historic England’s Listing and our Local List of Heritage Assets where they are owned and maintained by the council. You can search for an address or area, and zoom in and out of the map using the plus and minus buttons.
Local List of Heritage Assets directory
Use our directory to find a locally listed building, park or garden. You can find more information about the local listing and what this means.
Specific thematic criteria have been produced for street lighting and letterboxes in the city, due to the number of historic examples that survive. The thematic criteria document in each case provides a list of known examples that have been included on the local list.
Find out if you can make changes to a Locally Listed Heritage Asset
Unlike listing at a national level, local listing does not provide further legislative controls and does not affect when planning permission is required. However, when planning permission is required, the 'special interest' of a locally listed asset will be considered.