What a listed building is
Listed buildings have special architectural or historic interest and are of national importance. The Department of Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) compiles the register of listed buildings on the advice of Historic England. The Council does not list buildings.
Listed building grades
Buildings are graded to show their relative importance:
- Grade I - these are buildings of exceptional interest
- Grade II* - these are particularly important buildings of more than special interest
- Grade II - these are buildings of special interest which warrant every effort being made to preserve them, 92% of all listed buildings nationally
Listed building controls apply to all buildings equally, irrespective of their grade, and apply to the interior and exterior of the building in its entirety, together with any curtilage structures.
Find out if a building is listed
Use the summary of listed buildings in Brighton & Hove to check whether a building is listed. Full list descriptions are available by searching the National Heritage List for England, administered by Historic England.
Brighton & Hove heritage assets map
Use our heritage assets map to find information about council owned assets such as:
- street furniture
- arches
- groynes
- bollards
- milestones
- shelters
- clock towers
- gates and railings
- fountains
- lamp posts
- letterboxes
- monuments and war memorials
- windmills
- tombs
- telephone kiosks
- parks and gardens
The map shows public structures and features identified in Historic England’s Listing and our Local List of Heritage Assets where they are owned and maintained by the council. You can search for an address or area, and zoom in and out of the map using the plus and minus buttons.
Find out if you can make changes to a listed building
You will need to get formal listed building consent from the council for any works that would affect a listed building's special character. These works can include demolition, alterations or extensions to the building including works to the building’s interior. It also includes changes to boundaries or other associated structures. It is a criminal offence to carry out such works without first obtaining this consent.
The following documents may be downloaded which give further advice on works to listed buildings:
Historic England have published an advice note on Making Changes to Heritage Assets, including listed buildings. Further information on listed buildings is also available from the Historic England website.
Get advice on your proposals to make changes to a listed building
The council charges a fee for all pre-application advice. Find out how to apply for pre-application advice.
Before applying for pre-application advice, we suggest that you read the relevant guidance documents about how to make changes to a listed building. You can also check our advice on common projects.
How to get other specialist heritage advice
The council charges a fee for providing specialist heritage advice relating to the buying or selling of a listed building or advice on the specific extent of a listing.
Find out about specialist advice for listed buildings and pay for advice.
Other consents and agreements
The council has made a Listed Building Heritage Partnership Agreement with the University of Sussex and Historic England for the 8 listed buildings on the Falmer campus.
This agreement was updated in April 2022. To get a copy, send an email to conservation@brighton-hove.gov.uk.
Other information
Historic England website
The Listed Property Owners Club