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Improving energy saving and sustainability in conservation areas and listed buildings
A technical guidance note for buildings in conservation areas and listed buildings, updated in July 2024 in line with Historic England’s latest guidance (Note 18).
Guidance note
Historic England’s guidance will provide more detailed information to that provided on these webpages. You should discuss this guidance with your contractor to ensure that they are fully aware of how to complete your project in line with your planning consent.
When choosing contractors, always use those with experience of historic buildings.
We cannot recommend contractors but the IHBC website has useful links to recommended services.
Heritage and sustainability issues in conservation areas and for listed buildings
Retaining historic buildings in use is inherently sustainable as it avoids:
the consumption of building materials and energy
the generation of waste from the construction of replacement buildings
We acknowledge historic buildings may be less energy efficient than new buildings.
Where energy efficiency proposals might harmfully impact a building a historic building specialist can help to identify solutions that deliver greater energy efficiency but with less or no harm to the historic building or its setting.
Such improvements should avoid the loss of historic fabric and features and be reversible.
When considering home improvements it's important to remember that traditionally constructed buildings perform very differently to modern buildings. The fabric of a traditional building needs to ‘breathe’, so that moisture within walls from rising damp, for example from driving rain or condensation, can be released through evaporation.
Modern impermeable building products like cement render, tanking, and gypsum plaster can obstruct this process and lead to moisture being trapped inside, causing damage to the building. This can be worsened where ventilation has been reduced.
Planning permission may be required for energy efficiency improvements and you should always check with our webpage Do I need Planning Permission?.
If your property is a listed building Listed Building Consent will be required for most energy efficiency works, including internal works such as internal wall insulation.
More information
Links to council guidance in connection with sustainability issues and retrofit information
“where proposals are promoted for their contribution to mitigating climate change, the public benefit of this will be weighed against any harm which may be caused to the significance of the heritage asset or its setting”.
The supporting text goes on to say:
“where proposals that are promoted for their contribution to climate change objectives have a potentially negative effect on a heritage asset, the council will wherever possible help the applicant to identify feasible solutions that deliver similar climate change objectives but with less or no harm to the heritage asset and its setting”.
Sustainable Buildings Policy CP8 sets out how all development proposals can demonstrate improvements to the sustainability of existing buildings.
If your building is listed and/or in a conservation area, the following policies apply.
Conservation areas
City Plan Part 2 Policy DM26 sets out that alterations within conservation areas should:
preserve or enhance the area’s distinctive character and appearance
retain architectural features that contribute positively to that area
use finishes that respect the area
Listed buildings
City Plan Part 2 Policy DM27 sets out that listed buildings should be kept in good repair.
Proposals should have regard to:
existing architectural features, finishes and fixtures
use of materials which are appropriate historically, functionally and aesthetically
the potential reversibility of any alterations
Applications for works to listed buildings will always be treated on a case-by-case basis. Each listed building is of national importance and has a special architectural or historic interest which is significant to that building. The acceptability of alterations will vary depending on the identified significance of the building and/or its setting. Proposals for listed buildings require specific consideration of the impact they would have on that building.
If you're thinking of making a planning application or applying for listed building consent check our Do I need Planning Permission? page for the latest planning application advice.
Our approach is to encourage energy efficiency through repairing, replacing and installing new windows for both conservation areas and listed buildings.
Energy efficiency will primarily be promoted using benign, reversible measures such as draught exclusion and secondary glazing. These measures offer ways of reducing heat loss without high costs or needing planning permission. Listed building consent may be required.
In many cases sound historic windows can accommodate slimline double-glazing fitted into the existing sashes or casements. On unlisted buildings in conservation areas, this would not require permission if there's no material change in appearance.
The benefits of retaining historic timber windows include:
unless beyond economic repair it's more sustainable overall to retain and upgrade windows using appropriate energy-saving measures
existing historic windows made from slow-grown timber can last for hundreds of years and contain embodied energy, modern commercially grown timber tends to be softwood and does not have this long life span
the cost of refurbishment and secondary glazing is comparable to that of new uPVC windows, although new timber windows will be more expensive
adding secondary glazing to original timber windows generally provides a larger air gap between the glass panes and so may be warmer than uPVC windows
retaining original timber windows can add value to a heritage building as they are more visually pleasing than uPVC replacement
It should be noted that the framing material, whether UPVC or timber, makes little difference to the U-value (rate of heat loss) of a window as the heat is mainly lost through the glass. An option is to install low-emission (Low-E glass) into existing sashes or casements.
Inspectors in appeal decisions have consistently supported the council’s policy approach to replacement windows.
Double-glazed windows will generally be permitted, but on elevations that face onto a street or public open space, the original windows’ material, style, pattern and joinery sections must be matched.
This may often mean using slimline double glazing (12 to 14mm). Double glazing will not normally be appropriate to replace the original multi-paned sash windows that have fine joinery. However, applications for works to listed buildings which include slimline double glazing will always be treated on a case-by-case basis. See the listed building guidance below.
On rear and side elevations UPVC windows can be supported in conservation areas provided they are not clearly visible from the public realm.
original or historic windows should be retained unless they are beyond economic repair
new and replacement windows must match exactly the originals in their material, style, method of opening, internal and external details
replacement windows must contribute to establishing or maintaining a consistent approach to elevations and a consistent approach across uniform groups of buildings
secondary glazing will be acceptable provided its framing is unobtrusive and it does not obscure internal features or interfere with the operation of shutters and windows
Slim double-glazed units fitted within existing frames are only likely to be acceptable where:
there would be no loss of historic detail or fabric
uniformity of elevations would be maintained
It's important to preserve handmade or historic glass dating from the beginning of the 19th century or earlier.
guidance on extensions in historic buildings and conservation areas
limited guidance on sustainability
Our general policy on energy efficiency (CP8 Sustainable Buildings) applies to all development proposals including extensions, and requires carbon emissions to be reduced.
Conservation areas - unlisted buildings
New householder extensions may be permitted development subject to limits set out in the Planning Portal.
Listed buildings
Extensions to listed buildings will always need listed building consent and may also require planning permission. The impact the proposed windows have on the elevation and the rest of the building will be considered. Generally, timber double-glazed windows are required for listed building extensions.
External Wall Insulation (EWI) on buildings with solid walls should not be installed without careful detailing to avoid dampness becoming trapped inside the wall, leading to cold walls and potential damage.
You should seek advice from a professional with experience in this area, particularly for historic buildings such as an accredited conservation surveyor.
Organisations with recommended professionals that can help with additional guidance include:
Historic England
the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC)
the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB)
Installing internal wall insulation in homes in conservation areas does not require planning permission. However, try to avoid covering up original features such as skirting boards and plaster cornices. Independent technical advice is always recommended when considering wall insulation for solid walls.
Check your conservation area to see if an Article 4 direction specifies particular considerations regarding external wall finishes.
Planning permission may be required for external wall insulation if it would make a 'material change to the appearance of the dwelling'. In this case, the following heritage considerations will apply:
on front walls in conservation areas, external wall insulation (EWI) is less likely to be acceptable where it would harm the appearance of the facade and streetscape - where it's proposed It should avoid covering architectural detailing such as corbels under eaves and windows or other decorative mouldings, original stone or brickwork and mathematical tiling
EWI is likely to be acceptable on the side and rear walls of properties in conservation areas where they are not visible from the highway or other public areas
a hybrid wall insulation system may be considered – for example, a combination of internal and external wall insulation
Listed buildings or those in the curtilage of listed buildings
Planning permission and listed building consent are required for external and internal wall insulation. External and internal wall insulation is almost always unacceptable on listed buildings.
In the following conservation areas permission will always be required for solar panels on dwelling houses under the terms of Article 4 Direction:
Portslade Old Village
In these areas, roofs are particularly important to the character and appearance of the area and may be visible from higher ground or surrounding downland as well as from streets and open spaces.
The siting of panels will need to be carefully considered where proposed.
Where permitted development rights apply, one of the conditions is that solar PV or solar thermal equipment must, so far as practicable, be sited to minimise its effect on the external appearance of the building and the amenity of the area.
In considering this we will take into account the:
public visibility of the roof slope/area – could the panels be sited on a hidden or less prominent part of the roof and still be functional, taking into account orientation?
position and shape of the PV array – a neat rectangle of panels set centrally in a roof slope will be less intrusive than an irregular-shaped array or an array that appears sited haphazardly
roof form - a steeply pitched roof with eaves facing the street is unlikely to be acceptable, while a shallow-pitched roof behind a parapet may be more acceptable
Solar panels should be avoided on front gable roofs wherever possible as these would have a more noticeable impact on the street scene.
If the panels are to be sited on a prominent roof slope, consider whether they are matt or glossy. A matt appearance will be less intrusive. Solar PV slates can be a more sympathetic option.
Solar Panels on listed buildings always require listed building consent. Applications will be considered in terms of the extent to which the proposal harms the historic significance of the building.
On unlisted domestic buildings in conservation areas, the installation of an ASHP within the curtilage may be permitted development, subject to certain criteria set out in the Planning Portal.
It is not permitted development if it would be installed:
on a wall or a roof which fronts a highway or
nearer to any public highway than the part of the house or block of flats which is nearest to that highway
In all cases, the equipment must, so far as practical, be sited to minimise its effect on the external appearance of the building and the amenity of the area.
Where permission is required, an ASHP would be acceptable in heritage terms where the property has a large front garden and/or the equipment would not be visually intrusive when seen from the public realm.
Where visible it may be necessary for the ASHP and its equipment to be suitably screened (for example, with planting).
An ASHP is unlikely to be acceptable in the case of terraced properties with small front gardens where the equipment would be prominent from the public highway.
Permitted development rights do not apply for ASHP installations within the curtilage of a listed building, so you must apply for planning permission and listed building consent.
They are only likely to be acceptable where sensitively sited, and where they would not cause harm to the significance of the listed building.
Installing a ground source heat pump within the property’s curtilage is permitted development.
Listed buildings
Installing a ground source heat pump and its associated housing/boxing equipment within the curtilage of a listed building will need listed building consent.
The installation of an electrical outlet for recharging electric vehicles may be permitted development depending on the criteria set out in the Planning Portal.
However, if the installation requires demolition or part-demolition of a front boundary wall or railing to enable access or parking the policy guidance on front boundaries set out in SPD09 ‘Architectural Features’ (pp 42 to 45) will apply, which does not permit the loss of front boundaries to enable car parking.
While the installation of an electric charging point provides a sustainability benefit, planning appeal decisions have found that this in itself would not be enough to outweigh the great weight afforded to the conservation of heritage assets (see BH2019/02236 56 Surrenden Road, BH2020/02754 1 Pembroke Crescent, and BH2021/00916 20 Bavant Road).
Brighton & Hove City Council's electric vehicle charging points
We have a programme for installing on-street electric vehicle charging points, which includes providing residents with a place to request one near where they live.
“the front elevation and other parts of the property visible from the street are normally more sensitive to change than other parts of the property that are not visible”.
Communal cycle storage
We're rolling out a programme of installing on-road cycle hangars for residents to park their bikes securely near their homes where they don’t currently have space.
The cycle hangars are the size of approximately one parking space and can store 6 standard-sized bicycles.
“alterations are frequently proposed to historic buildings in order to adapt them for modern living requirements, to improve access or in the interests of energy efficiency.
These may appear minor in nature but can, if undertaken without care, harm the appearance of the building and its significance. The cumulative effect of such minor alterations can be particularly damaging.
Wherever possible such alterations should be confined to concealed elevations and sited and fixed in such a way that causes the minimum possible impact upon the building.
Standard solutions are not always appropriate to historic buildings and it may be necessary to investigate alternative approaches or products in order to minimise any impact”.
Cycle storage structures in front gardens should be carefully sited to:
minimise their visual impact on the street
ensure no harmful impact on neighbours’ amenities
The scale of the cycle store should be shown to be the minimum necessary to achieve its function and should not be out of scale with the house or garden.
A cycle store should not:
be set in front of a bay window
obscure any important architectural features of the house or terrace
Where properties have larger front gardens, they can better accommodate cycle stores without impacting the street scene. In terraced streets with smaller gardens, it may be possible to partially screen a cycle store behind a front boundary wall/railings or to set it against a side boundary wall to minimise its visibility.
In all cases, the cycle store should be designed attractively with appropriate and durable materials and, wherever possible, screened by landscape planting.
Cycle stores in front gardens also need listed building consent. Standard solutions are not always appropriate for historic buildings and it may be necessary to investigate alternative approaches or products to minimise any impact.
There may be positions in basement areas where such stores would not be readily visible and may be acceptable.
Where on-road cycle hangars are available nearby this may be a material consideration in determining an application for an individual domestic store, particularly where harmful impact has been identified.
Energy-saving measures will likely affect the fabric of historic buildings. Our policy on works that affect historic fabric, such as replacement windows, can be found in SPD09 Architectural Features.
An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is not required for listed buildings or historic buildings in designated conservation areas where “compliance with minimum energy performance requirements would unacceptably alter their character or appearance”.
The government guidance provides examples of the types of work likely to be considered unacceptable.
Whilst this guidance states that an EPC is not required if it would result in unacceptable alterations, it may be of interest to get an EPC to find out what energy efficiency measures are suggested.
We would be happy to advise you on the likely acceptability of any specific works that an EPC may suggest for a particular property.
If a historic building is not listed but is within a conservation area, internal alterations to improve energy efficiency can be carried out without planning approval.
More information
Many sources of information and guidance on energy conservation in historic buildings are available on the internet.
The Sustainable Traditional Buildings Alliance guides retrofit measures relating to walls, roofs, floors, windows, doors and chimneys. Their interactive guidance wheel allows you to customise the context and select thermal upgrading measures. This shows various issues and possible risks to consider before installing such measures.
Useful sources of information from other parts of the country include: