The funding period for round 7 is from the 1 August 2024 to 31 March 2025.
The programme is seeking bids that offer positive activities for young people. Using traditional youth work approaches for young people aged between 11 to 19 (up to 25 if they have special educational needs) bids will:
- provide additional informal youth support that will have a positive impact on young people who experience disadvantage
- increase opportunities for young people to participate in new and challenging experiences that may not usually be available to them
- provide experiences that young people will remember in years to come
- increase volunteering and leadership opportunities
Round 7 funding available: £40,000
- Maximum amount per application for individual grant applications: £1,000
- Maximum amount per application for a partnership grant applications: £3,000
The priority outcomes have been identified by young people from the evaluation panel, who are all members of Brighton & Hove Youth Council. The priorities have been updated for this round. This is to reflect the reduction in this year’s funding. We want the funding to have the biggest impact whilst aiming to reach the maximum amount of young people.