Make sure you are eligible by checking who can buy day parking permit.
Use our parking zones map to find out which parking zone you live in.
How to apply for day parking permits for residents and their visitors. What you will need and when you can expect to get your permits.
Make sure you have the documents you need before you start your application.
Make sure you are eligible by checking who can buy day parking permit.
Use our parking zones map to find out which parking zone you live in.
You'll need to upload a document showing proof of your address. This must be addressed to you and dated within the last 3 months.
This can be something like a:
Sign in or register for a MyAccount to apply for a visitor parking permit.
Read the following:
Then tick the box to confirm that you understand how we'll use the information you give us in this form and that you understand the resident parking permit terms and conditions.
Allow up to 10 working days for your application to be processed during busy periods. Once approved these will be sent using a courier service, which aims to deliver your visitor parking permits within 3 working days.