A door-to-door transport service for people, including people in wheelchairs, who find it difficult or impossible to get on and off buses, or to get to the bus stop. It is run for Brighton & Hove City Council by Community Transport.
Easylink buses serve all parts of Brighton and Hove from Portslade to Saltdean. They provide a service to and from superstores, the city centre and local shops.
Who can use EasyLink?
Easylink buses are designed for everyone to use. They all have a passenger lift or low level floor so they are ideal for people who cannot manage steps or who travel in a wheelchair.
Every driver has been trained to help passengers on or off the bus and to make sure the journey is smooth and comfortable.
How do I book?
Telephone Community Transport on 01273 677 559 to register as a new user.
For further information about Community Transport please visit www.bhct.co.uk