When will you complete this work?
Work on the A259 (seafront) is scheduled to begin in early 2022 and be completed by spring 2022.
Work for more permanent schemes (A23) and Western Road is likely to begin in 2022 but will take longer to complete.
What about those who need to drive or use a bus to get into or around the city?
We have taken care to make sure the impact on other modes of travel is minimised.
The council has to make the best use of road space while balancing the needs of all users.
We communicate plans regularly with bus companies and other transport providers in the city.
How have you funded these changes?
Funding was awarded to Brighton & Hove City Council from the Department for Transport to be used for walking and cycling improvements. Find more details in our Funding Bid.
Can you use the money for other things like repairing potholes or lighting?
No, the funding is very specific to walking and cycling changes and cannot be used for other things.
Why are the temporary cycle lanes protected?
New national design standards for cycling were released in July 2020 which significantly raises the design standards for cycling infrastructure. This includes using barriers to protect cyclists from other vehicles.
How are you monitoring the temporary cycle lanes?
We use traffic and cycle counters or video surveys to record the movements of pedestrians, traffic and cycles. We will also carry out public opinion surveys before and after changes are in place. Air quality will be monitored before and after schemes are in place where possible.
How do you make sure the changes are inclusive?
We carry out Equality Impact Assessments (EqIAs) on all new schemes in the city. This is to make sure changes are inclusive to as many people as possible by identifying and reducing negative impacts.
View our EqIA. This document is evolving and helps inform decision making. Once each scheme is taken forward for detailed design, a specific EqIA is produced.
Will you automatically make temporary changes permanent?
Any decisions on changes to temporary schemes, including whether to make them permanent or remove them, will be decided by the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee.
Why do we need another cycle lane on the road, when there was already one on the pavement?
The previously existing cycle lanes did not adhere to new national cycling design standards, which requires cycle lanes to be no less than 2 metres wide to allow for specially adapted bicycles such as those used by disabled persons.
Hence the necessity for the new lanes to provide access to disabled people who cycle.
Therefore the alteration was proposed and agreed at the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee.
Why was a whole lane used for the new cycle lanes?
Minimum national design standards for cycle lanes is 2 metres, while the minimum for a motor vehicle carriageway is 3.25 metres.
While there was space to provide a cycle lane 2 metres wide, there would not have been remaining space to provide an additional motor vehicle carriageway that was 3.25 metres wide, therefore the decision was made to use the whole carriageway for the cycle lane, providing extra space and protection for cyclists.
Why should additional road space be given to people who choose to cycle?
We are working to help achieve the national vision for cycling and walking, as set out in government’s Gear Change document. This document sets out the numerous benefits of cycling including to the economy – please see page 9 of the document for further details on this.
By improving facilities locally for walking and cycling, we make it more attractive for people to choose these modes of travel over others and feeling safer in doing so is key to this.
The aim is a reduction in overall pollution, traffic, an increase in road safety, general health benefits, and help combat climate change.