How can we design the city to encourage healthy lifestyles?
We want Brighton & Hove to be a city that supports people of all ages to live well and live healthily. This means having good physical and mental health and wellbeing – and a good quality of life.
Well thought-out city planning and design can play an important role in helping to encourage healthy lifestyles and reducing health inequalities. Our new City Plan will contain the planning policies to guide future development for the next 15 to 20 years.
Tell us your priorites
Councillor Tristram Burden, Cabinet member for Adult Social Care, Public Health & Service Transformation, said: ‘Our city has limited space, so we need to plan carefully the places where we live, learn and work – as well as the spaces we use for sport and leisure, wellbeing and health.
‘So, what are your priorities for a healthy lifestyle? Access to open space for recreation, perhaps, or to sports facilities?
‘What is more important to you in new developments – more natural green spaces for wildlife, more children’s play areas, or more space where you can grow your own food?
‘To help shape the plan, we want to hear your views.’
Our City Plan consultation runs until 20 January You can read more about the challenges we face and give your views online through our Your Voice website.
Drop-in event
Council officers will be answering questions in person at a drop-in event at Jubilee Library 1-4pm on Thursday 9 January. You can find full details of this on the consultation website events page.
Printed copies of the consultation document are available in all libraries and council customer service centres, with details of how you can comment by email or post, if preferred.