Have your say on future plans for transport and travel
As the city grows and we build more homes and develop new leisure facilities, how should we adapt our road and public transport systems?
We are running a consultation to hear the views of residents, local businesses and those working in building design and construction, which will help shape future development in the city over the next 15 to 20 years.
Through the City Plan 2041 consultation, you can give your views on areas such as transport and roads; supporting a sustainable economy; housing and accommodation; amenity spaces; sustainability and the natural environment; and building a healthy city.
Tell us your thoughts
Councillor Trevor Muten, Cabinet member for Transport, Parking and Public Realm, said:
“We're asking residents and businesses to tell us your thoughts about our plans for a vibrant, flourishing, fair and sustainable city.
“How do you want this city to work in terms of transport and travel?
“How can transport and travel options best help tackle inequality?
“Do we move to a cleaner, lower carbon city with more electric vehicle charging points?
“Do we want new developments to have parking as part of their design, or do we encourage people living in them not to have cars at all and make use of our public transport, cycle and walking offer?
“Our new City Plan will contain the planning policies to guide future development.
“To help shape the plan, we want to hear your views.”
Deadline to have your say
Our City Plan consultation runs until 20 January 2025. You can read more about the challenges we face and give your views online through our Your Voice website.
During the consultation period, council officers will be answering questions in person at events in libraries across the city. You can find full details of these on the consultation website events page.
Printed copies of the consultation document are available in all libraries and council customer service centres, with details of how you can comment by email or post, if preferred.