An amended planning application has been submitted for the former Brighton Gasworks.
The 2-hectare site is next to the A259 coastal road and near Black Rock, Brighton Marina and East Brighton Park.
The land is owned by National Grid and the developer, St William. It currently has 2 redundant gasometers with supporting gas infrastructure and is being used for storage, parking and light industrial activity.
The amended scheme
St William has amended the scheme after reviewing feedback to their earlier proposals from council officers and comments from local residents and amenity groups.
The amended proposal is for a mixed-use scheme with 495 residential units and 2791sqm of commercial space. A mix of building types are proposed ranging from 3 to 12 storeys. Communal and public spaces will be provided. The site will be accessed via Boundary Road and Marina Way.
All documents relating to the application can be viewed on the council’s planning register, by searching for application reference number BH2021/04167.
The developer has also published a document setting out the alterations to the scheme, which is available on St William’s website.
Have your say on the development
A full public re-consultation has now begun and will run until 18 February 2024. The easiest way to comment on the application and receive project updates is to register with our planning system.
Anyone can provide comments at the planning application stage. Planning officers will consider all comments in their assessment, along with expert advice from internal and external consultees and representations from neighbours and other local stakeholders.
A decision on the planning application will be made by the Planning Committee. The date for this has not been set but is not expected before spring 2024.