Work has begun on a new play area, multi-use games area (MUGA), mini-exercise track and an outdoor fitness space in Carden Park in Brighton.
The plans were on show at two community feedback sessions in Carden Park to give local residents a chance to share their feedback. Following the sessions, improvements were made to the proposals.
The work is expected to take around 10 weeks, with the new facilities due to be opened in mid-August.
It’s important that the work takes place now to take advantage of the milder summer weather and avoid unnecessary extra costs. We’re also keen to get the fantastic new equipment in place so that it can be enjoyed as soon as possible!
Investing in our parks
The Carden Park development is one of the biggest investments from Section 106 funding within the city and will create an extensive state-of-the-art facility that everyone in the community can enjoy.
The site includes a new teen zone comprising of play equipment for older children and a quiet zone where friends can chill out and relax.
The specification also contains sensory play, which provides a multitude of experiences for all ages and abilities.
Involving the community
The two community feedback sessions, held in association with Kompan UK, the company carrying out the installation offered residents, community groups and organisations the opportunity to ask questions and hear more about the proposals.
As a result of the sessions, the following improvements were made to the design.
- Rotate the position of the cardio fitness kit, so that users can take advantage of the view from the top of the park.
- Reinstate the steps from junior area to the fitness area to enable improved and better access.
- Move the Coco Wave Group Swing and Agility Net to a more central location.
- Create a more centralised picnic area, so users can have a better view of each other.
Councillor Amy Heley, co-chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee said: “The Carden Park development is one of the largest investments of section 106 money that the city has seen.
“These exciting new facilities will provide an extensive area that can be used for enjoyment, play, sport, fitness, but most importantly to meet up and have fun with friends and family.
“Thank you to everyone who came along to the community feedback sessions and shared their views on how to make the facilities as best as they can be.
“The development is part of the £3 million refurbishment programme our CityParks Team are working on to improve play facilities across the city. It’s an amazing investment for the city of Brighton & Hove.”
Find out more about play areas and open spaces in the city.