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It’s not too late to get the flu jab, but you need to act quickly for it to be effective. Last year’s peak flu season was mid-February and it can go as late as March or even April.
The flu vaccine is safe and effective in protecting people at risk of getting seriously ill from flu.
Councillor Sarah Nield, Deputy Chair of Brighton & Hove City Council Health and Wellbeing Board, said: “I’d urge everyone in the city, who hasn’t already, to have the flu jab, especially now when staying as healthy as possible is even more important.
“People sometimes think a bad cold is flu but having flu can be much worse. You may need to stay in bed for a few days, and in the worst cases, flu can result in a hospital stay, or even death.
“Not everyone realises how infectious flu is. It’s easily spread to other people even if you have no symptoms.
“I’ve had my flu jab and it was easy and painless. I had it to stay healthy myself and to stop me spreading it to my friends and family.”
Learn more about how the NHS in Sussex is urgently delivering the flu vaccine to protect you this winter.
Find out more about flu, symptoms, treatment and vaccination on the NHS website.