Standing together against hate
We’re supporting Hate Crime Awareness Week to send a message that hate crime will not be tolerated in our city.
Hate Crime Awareness Week runs from 9 to 16 October. It’s been established as the week people around the country show support to people affected by hate crime.
Hate crime covers a range of behaviour motivated by prejudice towards a person’s gender, disability, race, religion, sexual orientation or trans identity.
If this happens to you, please do report it.
The benefits of reporting
Talking to someone can be part of the process of looking after yourself when you have experienced harmful behaviour.
Local research tells us that when someone reporting an incident is treated with respect, taken seriously, is asked what they’d like to happen and are clear about the action that will be taken, the level of harm they feel can often reduce immediately.
Reporting helps set an example that hate crime is not acceptable.
It helps services to understand and address the problem and can help prevent repeat offending.
Community Safety Casework Team
Our Community Safety Casework Team work to reduce hate incidents and anti-social behaviour (ASB) and the harm they cause in Brighton & Hove.
They work directly with people who have been harmed by hate or ASB, as well as people who have caused the harm.
They will support you by talking to you about what’s happened, how it has affected you, and what you would like to happen next.
We have strong working relationships with other services, including Sussex Police, and can support you to engage with these services.
Upstanders Network
The city’s Upstanders Network brings a range of diverse community groups and services together and will continue to work together to raise awareness and stand against hate throughout the year.
- Follow the Upstanders Network on Twitter
Standing united against hate
Councillor Steph Powell, joint chair of the Tourism Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee, said: “Brighton & Hove is a vibrant and diverse city. We do not - and will never - tolerate hate in our city.
“Sadly, reports of hate incidents have risen during the pandemic. Hate needs to remain in the spotlight.
“The city’s Upstanders Network is a great example of people and communities working together. As ever, we stand united against all forms of hate.
“Our Community Safety Team work closely with Sussex Police to make sure people are confident about reporting incidents.
“If you’ve experienced any form of hate or anti-social behaviour, please do report it. We will always take it seriously.”
Mahir Chowdhury, chair of the Brighton & Hove Racial Harassment Forum said: “The Racial Harassment Forum works with the council to break the silence on race and faith hate incidents and crimes.
“We encourage people to report all such incidents by offering support and advice, as we aspire to a safer Brighton & Hove.”
Rik Child, project development worker at Brighton & Hove Faith in Action said: “Brighton & Hove Faith in Action is an active member of the Upstanders Network.
“We are proud to promote the work to ensure everyone is treated with the kindness and dignity they deserve and challenge any behaviour that is prejudiced in nature and directed towards a member of the public.
“Not everyone feels able to intervene if an incident is underway, especially if harsh words or violence are used. But everyone can report an incident to the police or support the person who’s been harmed.”
Reporting hate incidents and anti-social behaviour
Everyone in Brighton & Hove has a right to feel safe.
We encourage anyone who has experienced hate incidents or ASB, including harassment, to report it.
Brighton & Hove City Council works closely with the police and our communities to prevent hate incidents and anti-social behaviour and support anyone affected.
Council tenants and housing association tenants who've experienced hate incidents or ASB in or near their homes should report it to their landlord.
You can contact our community safety team by:
- using our online anti-social behaviour and hate incident reporting form
- emailing
- calling 01273 292 735 - in an emergency, always call the police on 999
You can also report hate incidents to Sussex Police or call them on 101 if it’s not an emergency.