The Covid-19 pandemic has reached nearly every part of the globe and the whole of society. Closer to home council staff have been at the heart of the city’s response against Covid-19 with other Brighton & Hove partners.
The council’s Policy & Resources Committee voted to award all council staff a special “Thank You Day” in recognition of the role they’ve played caring for vulnerable residents, working with the NHS and keeping vital services running for Brighton & Hove. This will be an additional day of leave to be taken in the 2021/2022 business year.
During the pandemic thousands of staff had to rapidly respond to the emerging crisis while at the same time changing their entire way of working. While many staff switched to homeworking, others had to get used to new arrangements in their old workplaces or out in our neighbourhoods, all while still providing essential services for the city’s communities.
Councillor Phélim Mac Cafferty, Leader of the Council said: “This is the council’s heart felt thank you to all council staff. From our public health experts to care workers, children’s services, refuse collectors and corporate support services, our staff have been right on the front line keeping the city running and responding to an unprecedented health crisis.
“We provide around 700 services so I can’t give enough credit to every team in this message. But all of them have faced immense challenges in their working and personal lives while showing commitment, care and compassion for their colleagues and our communities.
“This has been one of the toughest periods any of us have faced. I also want to thank the staff working in Brighton & Hove schools for their excellent work while facing immense challenges. I am grateful also to the many employers in the city which have adapted to make the changes needed for the health and safety of their staff and the public.
“I am immensely proud of our staff and the wider response shown by so many in Brighton & Hove. I know that council staff will continue to serve Brighton & Hove well and demonstrate the very best of public service. Thank you.”