Are you missing out on vital financial support for your small business during the Covid-19 pandemic?
There are two types of grant that are still available to apply for through the council:
The grant is paid to the person who was responsible for paying business rates for the property on 11 March.
Since the government introduced its small business grants scheme as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve paid out more than £67 million to nearly 5,000 businesses.
We are still paying out small business grants and urge any businesses that have not been in touch yet to contact us before the scheme closes on 28 August.
If you think you may be eligible for one of these grants or are not sure and need further clarification, please provide your details through our secure business grants portal or give us a call on 01273 291981.
These small business grants do not need to be paid back. They are available for all eligible businesses to help them keep afloat through the Covid-19 crisis.
More information can be found on our Covid-19 business page
Use the government’s business support finder tool to check what other financial support you may be entitled to.
The government has also just announced a grants fund for small and medium-sized businesses of £1,000 to £5,000 for new equipment, technology and specialist advice. The grants will be distributed through the Coast to Capital Growth Hub.