Residents in Brighton & Hove are being asked to contribute to an exciting plan to improve and develop council sports facilities across the city.
We are currently developing a Sports Facilities Investment Plan to provide good quality, accessible, sustainable facilities and services into the future.
The plan aims to encourage increased participation in sport and physical activity and improve the health and wellbeing of residents across the city.
Sports facilities buildings in Brighton & Hove are well used by residents and provide a range of leisure opportunities for all ages.
However, most are showing their age - the most recent 'new' leisure centre in the city was built nearly 30 years ago! These older buildings are inefficient, expensive to run and maintain, and often fail to meet modern demand.
To plan for the future of sport in the city, the council has launched a consultation to find out how residents think sports facilities could be improved and developed.
Staying healthy
Councillor Marianna Ebel, joint chair of the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture committee said: “Sports facilities have always been an important part of life in our city, and the current covid-19 crisis has placed even more emphasis on the need to stay healthy.
“We want to ensure that our residents both now, and in the future, can access the sports facilities they need to stay fit, healthy and to enjoy social interaction with others.
“That’s why we are inviting all those who live and work here, whether they are a regular users of one of our sports facilities, or have never visited or taken part in sport before - but would like to- to complete the survey and help us plan for the future.”
Consulting sports clubs
We will also be consulting organisers or committees of sports clubs and physical activity groups in the city.
The findings of the survey will be included in the final Sports Facilities Investment Plan which will be presented to the council’s Tourism, Equalities, Community & Culture committee and used to help inform the Sport and Physical Activity Strategy.
The consultation runs until 17 January 2021.
Win a voucher!
Residents filling in our survey have the chance to enter a prize draw for the chance to win one of ten £25 Love2Shop vouchers.