'What’s Out There' is a free event showcasing the information, support, services and activities available for people with learning disabilities and autism to get involved with in Brighton & Hove.
The event is open to anyone with learning disabilities, as well as family, carers, and anyone else interested in finding out more.
After a successful event last year, we're looking for more groups and organisations who currently provide free or low cost opportunities in the city to get involved.
Thursday 18 July, 10am until 3pm, BHASVIC
More than 160 people with learning disabilities or autism turned up last year, along with 150 carers.
Advice and information was available from 45 organisations including Albion in the Community, Brighton & Hove Buses, Carousel, Grace Eyre, Gig Buddies, Mencap, Switchboard, Team Domenica, the council and the NHS. They also got to try out fun activities including cricket, dance, table tennis and Capoeria.
Have a look at last year's event.
Find out more
For more information or to express an interest in getting involved, please email WhatsOutThere@brighton-hove.gov.uk or call 01273 295550 by Friday 10 May.
The event is being organised by Brighton & Hove City Council, Brighton & Hove Speakout, The Carer's Centre, Amaze and Brighton & Hove CCG.