Consultations on major planning applications over Christmas and new year
We’d like to reassure any residents with concerns about planning consultations taking place over Christmas and new year that they can make comments on major applications up to the time they are considered by the planning committee.
We received an unprecedented number of major planning applications in November and December, and this has resulted in a number of the statutory 21 day consultation periods concluding in early January. These include the planning applications for Toad’s Hole Valley, Sackville Trading Estate, the former Belgrave Centre in Portslade and Coldean Lane.
If you have been consulted or would like to comment on any of these major applications and won’t have time within the statutory 21 day period, please be assured that you will be able to make comments right up until the applications are considered by the planning committee.
These applications are likely to go to the planning committee be in the spring. However, it is better to send any comments as early as you can to allow the case officer to take account of your comments when assessing the application.
A major planning application is any application concerning 10 or more dwellings.