History of Royal Pavilion Garden
The gardens and Royal Pavilion were designed by the architect John Nash as Royal pleasure grounds. The Pavilion Gardens were not opened to the public until the Royal Pavilion had been sold to the town in 1850. A range of bylaws were applied to visitors to prohibit smoking, intoxication, begging, games, and ‘ragged or offensive attire’.
The gardens have been restored as closely as possible to the original Regency vision of John Nash. The gardens design features an informal planting style inspired by nature. The gardens are planted with a mix of native, Chinese and Indian plant species, with lawns and beds of mixed shrubs and floral plants crossed by curving paths.
Royal Pavilion Garden survey
Between 1 May 2018 and 29 June 2018, residents and visitors were invited to help shape the future of the historic Royal Pavilion Garden by participating in a survey. Over 1,300 people participated and their responses will feed into the draft conservation and management plan and funding bids for improving the space.