Situated on the South Downs, north of Brighton, Devil’s Dyke is an area of outstanding natural beauty.
Devil's Dyke
About Devil's Dyke
Situated on the South Downs, north of Brighton, Devil’s Dyke is an area of outstanding natural beauty. It makes for a wonderful afternoon out for all the family with breathtaking views, extensive walks and a pub restaurant.
The park is always open.
Things to see and do
There are many activities available on site including hang-gliding and model airplane flying.
Devil's Dyke is the largest chalkland dry combe in Britain and home to many associated plants and butterflies. From the stone seat, there are dramatic views north over the weald and south over the city to the sea.
Brighton Radio Flying Club flying field is located just off Saddlescombe Road.
Visit the National Trust web page for Devil's Dyke to find out more.
Legend of Devil's Dyke
Devil's Dyke got its name from a legend. The legend says the devil was furious at the conversion of the people of the Weald to Christianity and decided to dig a dyke through the South Downs, so the sea could flow in and drown their villages.
To make sure his efforts were not discovered until it was too late, he decided to dig it over a single night. However, his work woke an old woman, who lit a candle. This then woke her cockerel, who began to crow.
Seeing the light and hearing the cockerel, the devil was fooled into thinking it was dawn, rushed off with his work uncompleted and the Weald was saved.
Graham Wallfare from the National Trust has a great YouTube video about the legend. Delve into the history and heritage of Devil's Dyke, and watch the video on the legend of Devil's Dyke.
Walking guides
There are some good walking guides for Devil's Dyke available:
How to get there
You can find a map location and travel details by selecting 'more information' below.