How it started
Downland, or chalk grassland, has developed over centuries of sheep grazing on the chalk hills of southern England, particularly around Brighton & Hove. The corn was grown in the valleys on the more fertile soils and the sheep grazed on the hills where the soils were thinner and less fertile.
The sheep were brought down from the hills each evening by the shepherd and their dung manured the field allowing it to be cropped again the following year. This meant that the fertility of the hill soils was kept low by the continual transfer of sheep and the downs became rich in a very special diversity of wildflowers and insects such as butterflies.
Over the last century agriculture has become industrialised and, with the introduction of artificial fertilisers, no longer dependent on sheep grazing. This has seen 97% of the flower-rich downland grassland disappear in the last century. The remaining 3% is under threat from spreading scrub (for example nettles).
To reverse this decline the council has reintroduced grazing as part of our work to expand and conserve chalk grassland in and around the city.
Conservation mowing
Conservation mowing is a temporary measure to prevent scrub from becoming established on important chalk grassland sites currently unsuitable for grazing.
Mowing is not the best management for conservation areas as it is relatively destructive to wildlife and it is expensive to collect and compost the cuttings.