In person workshop: Question 3
We asked:
How do we best capture evidence of the needs and assets from communities and neighbourhoods across Brighton & Hove?
Stakeholder feedback
Stakeholders said:
- consider system-thinking and strategic approaches to joint working - this will contribute to the JSNA being built into:
- key strategies
- job roles
- service users and lived experience
- patient groups
- map existing data – consider gathering and storing data from partners in one place and allow resource for this
- use different kinds of data and evaluating data – include the role or weight of stories and anecdotal evidence alongside quantitative data
- develop more co-production – have consistency between partners, design for involvement and 'closing the loop' feedback (what actions have been taken based on the feedback we have given)
The engagement ladder
There are 5 levels in the engagement ladder.
This information is an extract from the "Commissioners’ Guide to engaging Service Users, Carers & the Public 2018" Health & Adult Social Care Brighton & Hove City Council and NHS Brighton & Hove clinical commisioning groups (CCG).
Providing balanced information to individuals and communities to help them understand:
- processes
- problems
- alternatives
- opportunities
- solutions
Obtaining feedback on analysis, decisions and alternatives, for example surveys and focus groups.
Working directly with patients and communities to ensure concerns and aspirations are understood and considered.
Working in partnership in each aspect of the decision, for example co-design.
Decision making placed in the hands of the community or individual, for example personal health budgets.