In 2021, Brighton & Hove’s population was 278,000
- 17% under the age of 16 compared with 21% in England
- 9% aged 19 to 22 (5% in England)
- 19% are 60+ (25% in England)
In 2021, there were 130,840 homes in the city.
One in 3 households have at least one disabled member.
7 neighbourhoods in the city are in the 1% most densely populated areas in England.
37,000 students attend the city’s 2 universities.
There are more than 4,200 Houses in Multiple Occupation in the city.
18.7% of residents aged 60+ living in income deprivation (England 14.2%).
One in 4 children living in poverty in Brighton & Hove (one in 3 in England).
33% of homes are rented privately (20% in England).
Brighton & Hove has around 11,900 council-rented homes.
Over 7,600 households on the housing waiting list in December 2023.
More than 1,700 households in temporary and emergency accommodation (February 2024).
£16.9 million cost of temporary and emergency accommodation in 2022/23.
661 additional council homes 2015 to 2023.
1,470 additional affordable homes 2015 to 2023.
£421,950 average house price (August 2023).
Average house prices are 12.3 times average earnings in the city (2022).
Average private rent £1,300 per month in Brighton & Hove (September 2023 - £850 England, £1,050 south east).
Average rents:
- Room £607
- Studio £814
- 1 bedroom £1,025
- 2 bedroom £1,375
- 3 bedroom £1,790
- 4 bedroom £2,500.
58% of Brighton & Hove’s housing was built before 1940.
18% of private rented homes likely to have at least one serious hazard.
472 households prevented from becoming homeless in 2023.
52 people sleeping rough on official count night in November 2023.
Brighton & Hove has 2,696 homes with support and 826 homes with care.