Housing Strategy 2015
The Housing Strategy 2015 is for everyone living in the city whether you are an owner-occupier, living in a social housing, renting privately or homeless. The Strategy was developed through extensive consultation and has three overarching priorities that reflect the fundamental housing needs of the city.
Housing Strategy 2015 [PDF 1.7mb]
Within these priorities are themes detailing areas of need which have been highlighted by local people as those areas that matter the most and will make the most impact
Priority 1: Improving Housing Supply
- New Affordable Housing
- Family Housing
- Community Housing Sector
- Student Housing
Priority 2: Improving Housing Quality
- Decent Warm & Healthy Homes
- Empty Homes
- Private Rented Sector
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO)
Priority 3: Improving Housing Support
- Homelessness Prevention
- Housing Related Support
- Supporting Older People
- Supporting our Black & Minority Ethnic (BME) Communities
- Supporting our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Trans* (LGBT) Communities
The Housing Strategy 2015 is supported by a number of key background evidence papers providing details of the findings from our consultation, research and data analysis:
- Housing Strategy 2015: Supporting Data Analysis [PDF 6.1mb]
- Housing Strategy 2015: Family Housing Supporting Data Analysis [PDF 1.6mb]
- Housing Strategy 2015: Consultation Report 1 Initial Scoping [PDF 282kb]
- Housing Strategy 2015: Consultation Report 2 Draft Strategy [PDF 1.1mb]
- Housing Strategy 2015: Equality Impact Assessment [PDF 158kb]
Previous Housing Strategies 2009 can be viewed by following this link
If you would like more information, please contact the Housing Strategy Team on (01273) 293055 or email housing.strategy@brighton-hove.gov.uk